Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Shurley Shome Mishtake

Nadine is anxiously awaiting the Ministerial statement on the Gurkhas. I'm not sure what she means by THIS blogpost. Shurely Shome mishtake.


  1. The defeat of the Government over the Gurkhas is wonderful news.

    I see Tom Harris voted 'for' the Government - and to think I used to consider him as one of the more principled Labour members.

    Oh well! Should have known - he is 'Labour' after all.

  2. She can't honestly be suggesting that Phil Woolas will be tired and emotional when he appears, surely?

  3. Iain,

    He's pissed. Clearly. I should know ;-)


  4. Gordon's thrashing in the water, wounded and bleeding. Will the sharks start to close in now?

  5. If a minister has been drinking, it would be amusing if the minister started projectile vomiting!

    Even better if he vomed on Brown's Head!

  6. Why isn't Jacqui making the statement? Looking at her she looks utterly poleaxed.

  7. C4 News and Jon Snow were bigging up Clegg who did his best to distance himself from the Tories, saying they are late comers.

    A bit sly considering Cameron raised the issue at the Oct conference.

    Clegg ends up ever so slightly diminished there I think but his party faithful will like it.

  8. Woolas always looks and sounds pissed to me...

    Anyway, after this evening's debate (once again the Speaker acting totally autocratically and supportively of the Government) he probably needs medication. La Smith sitting alongside looking as if she was sucking a lemon. Then again, maybe she has or does - in the privacy of her own home.

    Wonder how Mr Timney is, these days.

  9. So when is this 'Govt statement' being given?

  10. Bitch slapped by the tories and the lib dems snubbed by the Pakistani prezza humiliated by the polish even the gurkhas want to show him the business end of a khukuri it just ain't good for our dear leader is it.

    Well its roughly 371 days to go until his humiliating defeat.

    I suppose he can console himself in the fact that he will get a six figure sum book deal serialised in the Sunday Sport I suppose.

  11. Mmm! Watching BBC Parliament, did Woolas really observe that he may no longer have a career? At least someone seems to realise the game is up.

    What is interesting about these televised debates is the body language of those alongside the front benchers. Look again at Harperson when the 50p tax band is announced. Her elation, her joy betrays the real motive behind the move to confiscate more money from higher earners. It really is quite sickening.

    And tonight Jaqcui did her very best to support Woolas. She really tried hard to give the impression that she understood what the f*** was going on, nodding along with Woolas; scowling at the Tories; pretending to use effective listening skills, all of the things she has been coached to do. Unfortunately the only impression that she really gave was a pretty good one of Les Dawson in drag (might have been Roy Barraclough).

    Now I think of it, you never actually see Les Dawson and Jacqui in the same room. I know Les has been dead for some time, but that just adds to the somewhat uncanny likeness.

    Jacqui has always left me wondering, how someone so utterly thick and hopeless can so shamelessly attempt to blag her way through the responsibilities of high office. But then again, perhaps she is too thick to understand how thick she is.
