Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Why Hasn't McBride's Commons Pass Been Revoked?

Graham Dines, the lobby correspondent of the East Anglian Daily Times, has just twittered this...

Why hasn't Damian McBride's lobby pass been confiscated?

Indeed so. Perhaps the Prime Minister's official spokesman might tell us. According to Toby Helm he has been seen in the company of some favoured lobby journalists today (no mention of whom, of course) and been doling out his new mobile number.


  1. This lack of attention to detail shows that the Government is in its death throws.

    P.S. Given the Gurkha outcome, do we need to retrospectively re-score PMQ's. Looks like Cameron and Clegg teamed up and did Brown over (Maybe Brown's bad temper at the expenses debate has helped to weld the opposition politicians together?)

  2. Maybe because he only lost his title, not his job?

  3. Justice for the GurkhasApril 29, 2009 5:24 pm

    Not that it matters much, but Toby Helm's piece merely states:

    [Mcbride] "was this morning circulating his new mobile number to chums in the lobby."

    I assume one could circulate a new number via text/email (Mcbride knows how to use email). This is significantly different from "being seen in the company of..."

  4. Why? Because he is still part of the Brown Machine.

  5. I stated last week, he is still very much in situ.

  6. You can't get rid of the goose without getting rid of the gander...methinks, humbly.

  7. He'll be 'doing a Schwarzenegger' sometime soon.

  8. Is he back on the Labour Party's payroll? It wouldn't surprise me.

  9. I agree wit the "Thats News" - McBrid is still around becaue he is part of the Brown Macine, an essential part. Not quite in the same league, but McBride was the nearest thing to Alastair Campell Brown had . He did not have the charisa (I mean were AC to be Brown spinner folks would as "why is he not PM"?) , but McBride effectively did did the smae job with similar clout as AC

    And he can easily be booted, as you say by removing his pass, Brown could get that done in a juiify. Insted I am near sure soem rich backer is lining up Damien in some "Political Consuklatncy" because brwon asked him - and he will be needing some planning consent shortly

    Ill say one thing in Damiens favcour - I guess had he still been in post, Brwon would not havwe made sich an ass of himself over MPS expenses. Damien woudl have aidf- YOTUBE?...youll look at tube- and also asked "but can you get it throgh PM?" Withot Damien Brown is unhinged ...and Charlie wheelan is really sunning Britain ... like Damien another bad Brown penny that never seems to really go away

  10. Does that mean his old mobile was paid for by the tax payer. If so would that mean it can be subject to FOI requests and the such?

  11. Simple. The PM cannot survive without his Spinweiller. Pathetic.

  12. Sooner rather than later, McBride will raise his ugly head, and as Broon gets increasingly desperate he will be seen to be still connected...once that story breaks it may well turn out to be the end of this, most useless, of men..

  13. Scipio

    I don't cara as long as he is on the *Labour* payroll - he should always have been and they should pay us back his past salary.

  14. c.f. 'City A.M', 28 April: large unflattering photo entitled: "McBride of Frankenstein"....(!)
