Tuesday, January 06, 2009

The Daley Dozen: Tuesday

1. Press Gazette blog says it's best to be the best of friends with your enemies.
2. 0725 to Paddington fears for Lembit Opik's front bench future.
3. The Steamie on why Annabel Goldie was steaming at Chris Grayling.
4. Tim Montgomerie attacks the Daily Telegraph's resident homophobic bigot, Gerald Warner.
5. LibDem Voice on what advice Paddy Ashdown has for Nick Clegg.
6. Tygerland on Gaza: A plague on both their houses.
7. Joey Jones says Cameron & Brown are suffering from action addiction.
8. Pink News warns against dropping the soap in an Aussie prison shower.
9. Bloggerheads is overwhelmed by Tony Blair's double medal achievement.
10. The BBC Editors Blog on the difficulties of reporting from Gaza.
11. Richard Willis on why the Vulcan should be kept in the air.
12. Dizzy thinks that honesty is sometimes not the best policy.


  1. Where's the link to the Tim Montgomerie piece?

    And isn't it rather curious how happy you are to criticise the Telegraph nowadays? Bite the hand that used to feed you, eh?

  2. 1. Link added.
    2. I still write for the Telegraph as their Comment editor will be happy to confirm.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Martin Day - Nasty torries back to there old tricks

  5. I notice you've mentioned the Scotsman's Steamie blog Iain. Have you noticed how successful it is? About one comment per week.

    May I suggest you mention the new Scottish politics blog Advanced Media Watch. It does lean towards the SNP but I'm sure you're aware many Tories vote SNP in Scotland.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Iain - if one is homophobic does that automatically make one a bigot?
