Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Surely the LibDems Have Their Own "Watch List"?

Is there a serious political party which doesn't monitor the activity of its candidates? Yes, the Liberal Democrats, it would seem. Their blogerati are in full cry about Michael Crick's shock revelation (not) that the Conservatives have a candidates committee which, among other things, monitors the performance of its candidates and has a "watch list" of those it considers are likely to shoot their mouths off and embarrass the Party.

Is this really a surprise? I would be more surprised if they didn't have such a list. In fact, now that I know it exists I could happily suggest a few names to be added to it.

Yes, Michael Crick has had some fun and been able to boast about getting a leaked document, but is there really any more to this than that? Despite the splutterings of the LibDems I doubt it. If they were in any way a professional outfit, they would have such a list too. In fact, I rather suspect they do. And it's headed by the name of Mr L Opik, as Nick Clegg seems to recognise very clearly.


  1. Lib Dems should put Nick Clegg on the watch list.

    The tax on savings thing has proper cheered up my old dear - hurrah!

  2. Of course it's absolutely no surprise; it's routine and any large political party would want to make sure its own high-profile figures did not embarrass it.

    Which all rather raises the issue of all the criticism the Labour Party got for doing the same thing a decade ago.

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  5. Nick Clegg wanrs blokes to have a year off for paternity.

    'Get on the list Nicky boy, on the list'.

    Michael Prick (no relation) is getting a beasting on his blog.

  6. So some candidates in the Tory Party are prepared to speak the truth.

  7. "Their blogerati are in full cry about Michael Crick's shock revelation"

    Er, I notice you haven't linked to any posts doing any actual "crying." Name one.

    There is my post, which I preface by saying it isn't such a big deal but wondering what morale must by like in CCHQ that such a nonstory got leaked. But apart from that... er...

    Bit jumpy aren't we?
