Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Cameron Scores on Social Media

David Cameron was in Manchester yesterday. Nothing remarkable in that. He's been there quite often recently, but as the Labour-leaning PR Media Blog notes, he made the most out of using new media while he was there, linking up to a local live blog, live-casting his speech and taking questions via Twitter. Mark Hanson writes...
To be fair this wasn’t Cameron’s idea. The Channel M format was the MEN’s idea (owners of Channel M) and the live blogging was Sarah’s own initiative, but it’s telling that Cameron’s team were happy to play ball. Eighteen months ago the minders would have felt it was too risky for not enough reward.
I'm told this is now par for the course, wherever David Cameron goes. He and his team are increasingly keen to use non MSM outlets to get his message across. So if you see DC coming down your way and you have a novel new media idea, it looks like they are very open to doing new things.


  1. Just to point out - PR-Media-Blog is NOT Labour leaning, although one of its authors is:)

  2. I love the idea of a live "bog" - is that the same one from which the bulk of the Government's policies emanates ?

  3. e: ' . . linking up to a local live bog . . '


  4. Stop me if you've heard this one...

    Perhaps those geeks could have a word with the CCHQ webmasters? You know, those who don't understand that THERE'S FREE MONEY GOING if only they can work out how to put a PayPal DONATE facility on their antediluvian website. If they find it a bit tricky to set up I'd be happy to put them in touch with my 98 year old grandmother. She set hers up in under two minutes and now raises quite a lot for her knitting circle.

  5. Quite frankly any alternative to the Brown Broadcasting Corp. and the rest of the useless MSM is preferable ... even two tin cans and a piece of string would get the message out to someone !

    wv = 'terting'

    Is this a posh form of tutting ?

  6. "So if you see DC coming down your way and you have a novel new media idea, it looks like they are very open to doing new things."

    I have a novel new media idea for DC - let Spelman go, before the chorus of 'same old Tory sleaze' spreads acros the MSM like a rash...


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. He has a dazzling future in PR

  9. So why did DC make a total balls up of Webcameron then?
