Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Daley Dozen: Thursday

1. Party Lines examines bad uses of language in public life.
2. LibDem Voice has published a book of the Best of LibDem Voice. I'll leave the punchline to you.
3. Clive Davis looks at how the internet can be used in covert ops.
4. Trixy is less than impressed by Declan Ganley.
5. Iain Martin on how the Brownites (and Vince Cable) will destroy the Conservatives.
6. Paul Waugh & David Hencke reckon DD may be about to have his collar felt.
7. Taking Liberties explains how public consultations work. Or don't.
8. LibDem Voice explains why it's squeaky bum time for the LibDems over Michael Brown.
9. Cicero's Songs says it may have been better to have let the banks fail.
10. Brassneck wonders whether Tory blogs are campaigning too early.
11. Peter Hoskin asks if Brown's gaffe was revealing or if the reaction has been petty.
12. NHS Blog Doctor launches a competition to find 50 reasons why Gordon must go.