Friday, December 12, 2008

Friday Caption Competition

Oops, meant to time this for tomorrow morning but pressed the wrong button...


  1. Nigel Evans: NO I will not pull your finger...

  2. It rather depends on one knowing who Nigel Evans is. I didn't. He looks like a floor manager at Comet.

  3. Look Evans, it was offside - got it?

    PS - Nadine outnumbered 4:1 or 5:1 if include Dimblebore - quelle surprise. Think it's in Birkenheeed so thought Franky would be there but.....

  4. Dale subtlety indicated to the undercover anti-terror police who had been leaking state secrets to him.

  5. So this is what happened.Gordon first extended his finger like this..Then I clearly heard him say "mmm Lunchtime in the nosebag" Then he put his finger into his..

  6. Iain: "See this finger"!
    "It's going to mess up the Friday caption competition"!

    Strange man: !

  7. New party left/right split over Hokey Cokey.

  8. Dale: No Nigel, I am a bigger queen than you!

  9. Nigel Evans MP: What is occurring?
    You've done the Friday caption competition on Thursday you mentalist!

    Iain Dale TP: Look here Nigel, You've heard of 'Air Guitar' right?

    Nigel Evans MP: Yeah, why?

    Iain Dale TP: Well this is an 'Air Gun', as it were. I is in an 'Air Gang' now innit! Bang Bang

    Nigel Evans MP: This caption competition entry isn't going very well is it?

    Iain Dale TP: Oh I dunno, that was quite good.

    Nigel Evans MP: I guess he should press the 'Publish Your Comment' button now.

    Iain Dale TP: Yep, Oh and the WV is 'Exporro', sounds like a cheap brand of beer.

    Nigel Evans: Indeed it does, OK press that button NOW!

  10. Nigel 'Brown Baiter' Evans gets a rollocking from Dale over top secret memo revealing Brown really did have it off with Mandy! "Leave it for the election", says Dale.

  11. "With this finger I can control 731 completely mindless Daily Mail zombies on my blog".

  12. Nigel: don't point your finger at me, at least i know what day of the week it is!

  13. "Next time Nigel, wear a decent tie"

  14. Is that the Grim Reaper in a red cloak in the background?

    "hmm finger leaking good...."

  15. Man 1
    "Look at my finger"
    Man 2 (for it is he!)

    Can I have the prize now please?

  16. "You're not the Messiah, you're a very naughty boy!"

  17. "you can come into the club this time sunshine but if there is any more trouble you're banned for life, goddit?"

  18. A finger of fudge is just enough................

  19. Idiot MP: And which finger did you use oh mighty blogging expert to press the wrong button this time?

    Idiot Blogger: Why, as usual it was this one oh mighty back bench nobody.

  20. Arise, Lord Nobody Has Ever Heard of You.

  21. Nigel: Sorry, Iain. I just can't quite see your point.

    ID: Well, look down then!

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. Dale: “Your face on a t-shirt?? That’s nothing! I’m so egotistical I use a picture of myself for my own caption competitions!”

  24. Iain: Are you one of those Labour trolls who keep coming onto my site being silly, talking rubbish & generally spending loads of time on my blog because Labour sites are SO OUT OF TOUCH?

    Strange man: No, but I've seen ALL those Labour trolls posting on your site & I think they are sad little people who know they are beat at the next election & so are trying to run down each Tory surporting blogger one by one.

    Iain: Going to be fun messing with those Labour trolls ;o)
