Thursday, December 11, 2008

Superman & Wonder Woman: Saving the Nation

Well this is certainly very timely. David Hughes writes on Three Line Whip...
What is Harriet Harman up to? Gamely attempting (or so it seemed) to take the heat off Global Gordon's embarrassing stumble yesterday, the Leader of the House has told Tory MPs she would "rather have Superman as our leader than their leader who is The Joker". So we not only have GB believing he has saved the world; his own party deputy thinks he's Superman. What exactly are these people on?

Perhaps Harriet got this idea following her cover interview with my colleague Sarah Mackinlay at Total Politics. She's on the cover of next month's issue which went to press yesterday. And she's depicted, rather affectionately, as Wonder Woman. Talk about a coincidence!

UPDATE: I gather Labour MP Ann Moffat intevened following Harriet Harman's comments in Business Questions to say: "Wonder Woman does it again...".


  1. Wrong superhero, Iain.


    PRIME minister Gordon Brown was last night under observation in a London psychiatric hospital after claiming to be Spiderman."
    More at the Daily Mash.

  2. Wish I could get into that outfit.


  3. If you seriosly think I am buying your mag with that rubbish on the cover you are dotty.

    What utter utter utter even lunatic justification can you possibly have for depicting this harridan in this way.

    I feel nauseous.

  4. What trevorsden said!

    I'm with you all the way.

  5. Can you send this month's TP subs out in a plain brown envelope please? Won't somebody think of the neighbours.

  6. I find the Superman comparison quite appropriate. He's an alien and no one elected him.

  7. I think I am going to be sick...

    Gordon is no Superman, unless Superman goes all weak when he gets too close to some "Truthonite" from the planet Reality, from whence he escaped as a beh-beh.

    He is not even "The Joker". How could that dour grumpy curmudgeon ever be?

    The Riddler? Well, if you count his determination to obfuscate and hide his true intentions, yes, but riddles, his legislation is not.

    The Penguin? Taken.

    Nope. The best thing The Town Clerk of Britain can achieve is a member of The Pathetic Sharks.

  8. Clearly TP is going down hill. Next month's cover will have Chris (underpants) Bryant looking like the Village People or Theresa (Fuck-Me Shoes) May as Carmen Miranda or Caroline Flint dressed as Dita Von Teese.

    Bring it on!

    WV Tespit

  9. Admirable loyalty from Hattie, but I think the legs in the picture are Sarah Palin's.

    As for the Prime Ministers superhero fantasy, I think Flash Gordon was the wrong superhero Someone much greener comes to mind.

  10. Guido thinks you're on the take...

    But its a disgusting notion that has violated many of my adolescent sexual fantasies and no doubt the Joss Whedon copyright on the new Wonder Woman film. I shall be purging myself in the true Gladstonian mold for the duration of the evening!

  11. "Guido thinks,,"

    Now there's an expression you don't hear very often.

    Mr. Dromey is a very lucky man.

  12. I'd rather Blears than that - preferably astride her motorcycle - with her leathers on - NURSE!!

  13. No... Blair was the Joker.

  14. "Mr Dromey is a very lucky man"???

    Jimmy is clearly someone who can't look let alone think.

  15. The Wonder Woman character dates back to 1944. I never knew that before today.
