Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What are YOU going to do About it, Minister?

Today's West End Final edition of the Evening Standard makes for interesting reading. Joe Murphy and Anne McElvoy, two of Westminster's most respected journalists have the inside STORY of yesterday's Cabinet meeting, and it shows for the first time that Cabinet Ministers might gradually be getting the courage to turn on Gordon Brown. These are the words of one Cabinet Minister after the meeting...
This can't go on for much longer. It's not just the country that's not listening to Gordon any longer, his ministers aren't listening to him. The meeting was just excruciating - an embarrassment. Something is going to give. Either it will end up as a Cabinet entirely made up of Brownites, or a Cabinet without Brown. There were people staring at their hands, some scribbling on their papers, someone else on a Blackbeerry. The mood was awful. Gordon is now measuring his survival in two-week horizons. He just wants to get through conference. It's humiliating for everyone. All he does is re-state the problem, he doesn't address it.

OK, then, rather than give anonymous briefings to journalists, what are YOU going to do about it, Minister?


  1. File some more expense claims I would imagine.

  2. Do you think it's Hutton?

  3. Such cynicism Mitch!
    Kelly, Murphy and Browne to resign on conscious grounds over the Embryology Bill.
    Hutton to follow and possibly Purnell, who I suspect has more guts than Miliband (D).
    It will be Purnell who challenges Brown because he recognises that he won't get another chance.
    He's fairly progressive, the party won't expect him to win, so he's got a free GE loss, and eventually the sort of politician who could reconnect with the country. He's much more acceptable than the aforementioned Milliband, who unfortunately for him suffers from the Redwood (geek, vulcan) look. It was unjustified with Redwood and may be with Milliband; but it exists in the public's mind.

  4. This stuff about internal party squabbling is good. It shows just how deranged the government has become. It's not about internal party squabbling. It's about the Despair Squid himself and the fact that he is dragging the country much further down than we would be dragged down without him. In what way is that about Labour Party internal squabbling? We keep hearing from these cowards, I mean The Cabinet, that what the country wants is for Brown to get on with the job of 'guiding the economy through difficult times' (any gold left to sell off Gordon? - The market's looking quite good now - PS - don't tell them what you're going to do this time). What the country wants is for Brown to go. Is there not ONE member of the Cabinet who cares about something more than his or her self or the damned Labour Party?

  5. So come on, you poliical experts...who is it ?

  6. This is actually starting to get frightening.

    You have to ask what secret is keeping all those minsters from doing their duty to their country and the crown ?

    The HBOS thing shows signs of unravelling, as all Browns plans do.

    Are they sitting on something worse still ? ( Maybe someone should check Darling wasn't spending his hols burying cans of baked beans at his island bolt hole.)

    He knew then that banks were going to fall. What else do they know ?

  7. It's Clare Short all over again. Cabinet members wanting the world to know that they don't agree with what's going on but haven't got the gumption to do what they know they ought to do.
    Tony Blair outmanoeuvred Clare and she was a busted flush by the time she finally went.

  8. Anonymous 9.49:

    "Kelly, Murphy and Browne to resign on conscious grounds over the Embryology Bill."

    What will the unconscious ones do?

  9. capitalism is dying
