Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Daley Dozen: Wednesday

1. Cranmer calls Sadiq Khan a 'pompous oaf' for his views on Sayeeda Warsi.
2. Chris Whiteside fisks Sadiq Khan.
3. Malc in the Burgh thinks he has heard it all before.
4. Capitalists@Work on the Lloyds/HBOS takeover.
5. Guido gets a mea culpa from Newsnight's Paul Mason.
6. West Brom Blog on why IDS could resign the Tory whip.
7. A Clockwork Clegg fisks Nick Clegg's speech.
8. Robert Peston has the background to the Lloyds/HBOS deal.
9. Burning our Money on fear and greed in the money markets.
10. LibDem Voice thinks Nick Clegg has had just the most superb week. No, really.
11. Bob Piper is contrite.
12. EU Referendum identifies an elephant in the HBOS.


  1. The Lib Dems are totally delusional.

  2. "Hopelessly unwinnable seats" - wot, like Khan's very own seat? (He would be toppled by a 12.9% swing to the Tories, which judging by the latest MORI poll, looks entirely probable.)

  3. EU Referendum is slightly wrong, as there are certain criteria that have to be met before the ECMR is tripped-aggregate world-wide turnover of more than £3.5bn and aggregate Community-wide turnover of each of both more than £200m. However, the ECMR will not apply where more than two-thirds of the Community-wide turnover of each enterprise concerned is in the same Member State.

    Further, if caught, the case can be subject to an Article 4(5) which allows a member state to request that the merger be looked at at a national level. Unless another member state objects, this is unlikely to be blocked.

    And before the usual suspects start blathering on about what business is it of Brussels yadda yadda, note that in an increasingly globalised age, mergers of sufficient size have multinational effects, making it more efficient and effective to be able to examine competition concerns on a similarly wider basis.
