Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Waugh/Crerar: Hutton PPS to Quit

Another resignation in the offing, HERE.


  1. This is rather painful - he is putting off the announcement until after the PM's conference speech, as if to say 'No matter how good your speech is, I will not be convinced by it..'

  2. So this guy doesn't think Gordon is capable of delivering a confident performance in his conference speech?

  3. Sky are reporting that Joyce is denying that he has resigned. Although that is not to say that he is not planning to resign, I suppose.

  4. With moves like these, this isn't political it is managerial and proves those that are leaving are better of out, as the only way in is to be in and fight for that very vision.

    Never give-up and never give-in, those that give-in at this time are better off out.

    Tell me, as a party in Government, honestly how do these wisecracks expect to construct a vision when the platform and feel-good factor is missing along with the global capital????

    As an Opposition, yes different game but this is absolutely crazy, I don't admire these people just look on with utter amazement linked to both selfishness and disregard of British political history.

  5. Now if it was Hutton himself....

    Dear Gordon

    I always said you would make a f**king disastrous Prime Minister. It gives me great pleasure to point out that I was right. Bye Bye!

    Yours ever


  6. Where is Alistair Darling?

  7. According to Sky, breaking news is that Prunell has said he “shares the rebels concerns”, he hasn’t publicly declared Brown is best person for the job. Could he be the first Cabinet member to stand up to Brown?

  8. “The Same Thing That Happened to Jack”

    Soon after the 1966 election, Adam Walinsky, the most outspoken of Kennedy’s Young Turks, had sent him a memorandum titled “Gratuitous Advice.” In it, Walinsky called Lyndon Johnson a lame-duck president, predicted he would lose the 1968 general election, and warned Kennedy that “he who stands with LBJ now goes into eclipse—perhaps irretrievably.” Walinsky concluded that, although Kennedy’s chances for unseating Johnson were not good, he had to try anyway because the chances that he or any Democrat would beat an incumbent Republican in 1972 were even worse

    Gordon - meet Lyndon.

  9. IF we had an elected head of state he (or she but more likely a he) could go to Gordon and tell him it was time to go
