Whenever I meet Sunny I think what a nice guy he is - reasonable, pleasant, someone you can have a rational discussion with. And then I read what he writes... Mind you, he may feel the same about me.
Devil's Kitchen has a very different view of Mr H. What I am fascinated by is it that a blogger who prentiously calls his blog Liberal Conspiracy sees a right wing conspiracy where there is none? Perhaps we should invent a few right wing conspiracies just so there is some point to his blog's existence. Dizzy seems to agree...
There is something quaintly amusing about someone setting up a site with a name designed to mock the notion of left wing conspiracy theories, who then posts something arguing that there is some sort of right wing conspiracy going on.
PS Just for the avoidance of doubt, the fact that I have linked to Guido, Dizzy and Devil's Kitchen is not evidence in itself of a right wing conspiracy. Of course, if I added a link to Donal Blaney...
ahh, blog-bitching...
The best of that blog is when you exit it.
Nothing happens. You just feel reality returning to your senses.
I wonder how much time young Sunny spends preening his facial hair each day?
My guess is a good hour.
And that would be just his facial hair.
I wonder how he finds the time to blog?
I would sleep easier if I was convinced that there is a right wing conspiracy. Well, at least an anti-left wing conspiracy. But sadly, all we have is the Boy David and his bunch of tax and spenders (but not as much as Brown).
Sorry, isn't this a perfectly acceptable question? After all, isn't this interview linked to by Sunny bordering on the totally loony, with the repetitive mantras, the complete inability to empathise?
After all, it is low politics to hurl cheap abuse at opponents, but this is not borne of malice towards Brown, maybe Sunny feels like the boy who pointed at the naked emperor and said what everyone was too embarrassed to say.
Whoops, in my copy/paste I forgot to alter Brown to McCain. What a give away.
When I posted a comment to the effect that we would rather not have a nutter with his finger on the nuclear button, he deleted it. How liberal is that a?
Do you think Sunny Hundal bears a remarkable resemblance to Wyndham Lewis's self-portrait, "The Tyro"?
All Liberals are, by their very nature, evil one eyed monsters!
They tell lies to get elected! They tell lies about their opponents! They tell lies full stop.
Iain, it may surprise you to learn that the Conservative Party indulge in the same activities!
SH is a perfect example of why the left-wing blogsphere is so much less popular than the right-wing blogasphere.
DK said that he was only noticed at all because of his slightly unusual colour ? I `m not sure really but it does seem that there are plenty of equally witless media wannabes about that are less noticed.
Mostly harmless
And then only 24 hours later he has the gall to write THIS post ... questioning John McCain's mental state.
Clearly Iain, you don't know what quotation marks denote.
Guido has the courage to say it outright. You have the courage to hide behind quotation marks. Hey, you and Gordon Brown should get on well!
Heh, what are you now, Fox News? I've quoted someone else and used it on my blog. You've attributed the quote to me.
I know you belong to the Tory party Iain, but you're not that thick to not know the difference.
Next time you quote someone on your blog I'll just assume that you think the same right?
You know what you were doing, I know what you were doing. Let's leave it at that, shall we? :)
No Iain, now you're just back-tracking.
Did I come over holier than thou over Guido yesterday? I may take issue with people who make fun of mental illness, but anyone who reads me knows I've not been a big supporter of this Labour govt. But like Guido, I'm a big fan of creating narratives - positive or negative. That's the way politics works. Have no trouble with that aspect - I was simply pointing out the existence of a negative narrative.
As I said, I just didn't agree with the idea of making light of mental illness.
This post is a pathetic attempt to pretend I was doing the same as Guido, when I clearly wasn't.
anyway, I'm sure anyone with half a brain can judge for themselves.
Not backtracking at all, I can assure you.
You're OK with this tone here are you Iain? Maybe you could answer Sunny?
My, my, we're becoming a little sensitive aren't we? You love dishing it out don't you, but you're not so good at taking it. Have you actually read some of the threads on Liberal Conspiracy? This is positively polite by comparison.
I deleted a post by Scotch because he just used the C word. He now joins Ireland on the banned list.
Hundal is another self appointed "expert" on the US that seem to infest the Grauniad with their ignorant commemts.
I don't blame McCain for being offhand with Time, they'd just twist anything he said anyway.
Anyway, time to watch Obambi descend from the clouds in Denver and grace us with more sermons, I wonder if he brought the bread and fishes or whether they're waiting on the podium ?
Have you actually read some of the threads on Liberal Conspiracy? This is positively polite by comparison.
They're far more civilised than yours, and we both know that. As for the left-right / Tory-Labour bashing, well that's all fair game isn't it? You let me know when I allow bigotry on my site, and I'll happily delete it.
Cheers for the above
I'm a big fan of creating narratives - positive or negative. That's the way politics works. Have no trouble with that aspect - I was simply pointing out the existence of a negative narrative.
"As long ago as 1944 George Orwell wrote of government-inspired reports where the prose ‘consists less and less of words chosen for the sake of their meaning, and more of phrases tacked together like the sections of a pre-fabricated hen-house."
I`m just quoting ....I love the guy's style personally
"You love dishing it out don't you, but you're not so good at taking it."
But Sunny isn't dishing it out. You're only pretending that he is so you can pretend to be upset about it.
But what you're really upset about - what you really can't take - is the fact that he's rumbled a game that you like to play as much as Guido.
Deny it if you dare.
The real conspiracy has been that Gordon Brown is prudent, sane and an expert in fiscal affairs.
p.s. Socialism* IS a vicious narrative.
The fact that his blog is called Liberal Conspiracy is somewhat conspiratorial in itself as it is dominated by Labour people and seems like a conspiracy to hijack the Liberal name because they are so ashamed of the work Labour at the moment.
I clicked to go onto Liberal Consipracy and that one action crashed my entire computer.
"it is dominated by Labour people and seems like a conspiracy to hijack the Liberal name"
Just as the Conservatives are trying to hijack Libertarianism by their use of "Libertarian Authoritarianism", er, I mean "paternalism"...not.
@ Sunny
Why don't you just get off the case? It's not funny, informative, or remotely entertaining. Frankly it's bloody boring. Haven't you got your own blog to waste bandwith?
If you want to have a squabble with someone couldn't you try arguing with yourself? Maybe you do. Who wins? Who cares?
As for mental illness - what about 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest'? Next you'll be going on about 'ah, the poor children'.
Politeness is sod-all to do with it. And, while we're at it, WTF is a 'negative narrative'?
"Why don't you just get off the case? Haven't you got your own blog to waste bandwith?"
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Are you suggesting that Sunny is intruding by responding to Iain's attack on his article?
@ Anon 11:10
Certainly not. Did I say that?
But I am objecting to the repeated and crass comment - much as is yours, you poor deprived nameless little person. Response is one thing, whining on is another.
The "left" are in denial about everything that this government have f***ed up on(including big time on the economy) and are now looking to blame evryone but themselves(nothing new there) and are desperately searching for non-existent right-wing conspiracy theories to explain why the poll ratings are pretty dire and why Brown is universally loathed by large sections of the electorate.
Sorry, comrades, there isn't one - it's all down to your own incompetence and the fact you allowed Brown to become leader of your Party. Live with it ! Just accept you're heading for anihilation at the next election with Brown as leader and do something about it. In the meantime stop whining !
Thanks Iain for the link to Donal Blaney or is it Blarney! - this is one funny guy - the YouTube link to the President Bush Dinner was terrific - I Know Bush is not exactly very popular at present but hes a very funny after dinner speaker
I looked at Sunny Hundal’s picture on this post and for some reason the words “git” and “smug” popped into my mind. I wonder why that should be?
The left wing commentariate now are publicly displaying the same combination of panic and self-delusion that I was feeling privately back in 1997. The polls are wrong – aren’t they? John Major’s got it all under control – hasn’t he? A change of leader will solve all our problems – won’t it? May 1st 1997 proved the answers to these questions to be NO! NO! and NO!
Somewhat O/T – if there is a pre-election change of PM, could (indeed should) the Royal Prerogative by exercised to force a dissolution?
Who else have you banned for using the C-word, Iain?
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