Saturday, August 02, 2008

Blogging Dangerously in Wales

I am a bit late linking to this, but it seems that blogging is a dangerous pastime in Welsh politics. Matt Wardman has the story HERE.

Incidentally, we're listing 62 Welsh political blogs in the TOTAL POLITICS BLOG DIRECTORY. If you know of any we're missing, please submit them HERE.


  1. not dangerous, just very predictable Iain.

    Welsh Labour are well known for this type of behaviour and have some very nasty pieces of work in their ranks who are more than willing to destroy careers and people at will.

    Miss Wagstaff said she worked in the Civil Service and therefore has knowledge of what goes on in Cardiff Bay making her the latest in a long line of people targeted by these people.

  2. Talking of blogging as a past time, posting blog comments is scary experience in any Welsh or Scottish blogs. Reading the anti-Brown and pro-SNP comments in a Scottish blog,I posted my tuppence worth of comments about Brown and Darling handling of economy with my usual LONDON town entry. I have never seen so many tartan bloggers braying for my blood momentarily creating strategic alliance with their labour-supporting bloggers with whom they were trading shall we say colourful terminology! Not learning my lesson, a sure sign that I am getting senile, I foolishly replied with my comments
    about my and my friends' experience in taking holidays in remote villas in remote Islands which are the hunting ground for gun-toting villains. The Welsh responses were intimidating to put it mildly.

  3. Chewed up and spat out said:

    "Welsh Labour are well known for this type of behaviour and have some very nasty pieces of work in their ranks who are more than willing to destroy people and careers at will."

    The words "Taylor" and "David" spring to mind. Am i wrong?

  4. A packet of three for Iain and his absolutely fabulous fellow hunks.

    Meanwhile, politically, the MoD has an absolutely cracking story concerning TB on GB.

  5. anonymous - I was wondering how many comments would go by before that name was mentioned!

    I've never come across a flame-war like Nat Watch v Nat Watch Watch [sic].

    I have to say, I've never met David Taylor, but I know Leighton Andrews (Lab AM - Rhondda) and actually really like him. I'd second Iain's point though - the Celtic political scene online is much more brutal than anything we see here in England.

  6. Just realised that my comment might have seemed like I was concurring that David Taylor is 'a nasty piece of work' - not my intention at all - I've never spoken to him.

    All I meant was as soon as I heard the words 'Welsh' 'blogosphere' and 'brutal' I thought of the vitriol that I remember surrounded his name from some quarters.


    Palid Cymru Councillor and Editor of the main Welsh Language CA mag "Barn" is missing from your list

  8. And another two

    both are nationalist blogs by Rhys Wynne

    And a newcomer:

    Yet another nationalist (there are blogs in Wales by non-nationalists, but they are very few and far between!)

  9. The words "Taylor" and "David" spring to mind. Am I wrong?

    he's just one of many anon and I will add that they are happy to do this sort of thing to their own side.

    I agree with Miserable Old Fart the welsh blogsphere is becoming more biased and nationalist as the days pass, doesn't do anything for the health of the welsh political blogging, come on Wales we can do better.

  10. Marcus Warner/Chewed up and spat out said: "I will add that they are happy to do this sort of thing to their own side."

    Name names and give examples then if you're so confident

    You were never "on their side" (i.e. Labour) and you never will be, you are/were a disloyal liability hence your sacking.

  11. paul, no idea who Marcus Warner is, but you have illustrated my points about Welsh Labour for all the UK to see well, thanks.

  12. Marcus, you must think we are stupid! Some advice - if you want to post anon, try deviating from your usual tedious, long-winded style and stop making the same SpaG errors!
