Saturday, August 02, 2008

Political Performance Index: July Results

The interesting thing about this month's figures is that many of the climbers are Labour politicians, yet their national polling figures are the worst ever. Note that three leadership contenders - David Miliband, Jack Straw and Alan Johnson - are among those whose positionjs have improved substantially.

1. - David Cameron 6.83 (6.86)
+4 Alex Salmond 6.79 (5.75)
3. +2 William Hague 5.98 (5.88)
4. -1 Boris Johnson 5.86 (6.49)
5. +2Vince Cable 5.59 (5.52)
6. -2 Eric Pickles 5.31 (6.32)
7. +1 George Osborne 5.18 (5.34)
8. +1 Michael Gove 5.08 (5.20)
9. +1 Dominic Grieve 5.04 (5.08)
10. +1 Chris Grayling 4.85 (4.77)
11. +10 David Miliband 4.65 (3.38)
12. +2 Alan Duncan 4.24 (4.56)
13. +17 James Purnell 4.16 (3.31)
14. +4 Alan Johnson 4.06 (3.99)
15. -3 Liam Fox 4.05 (4.62)
16. +15 Jack Straw 3.87 (3.27)
17. -4 Andrew Lansley 3.84 (4.61)
18. +8 David Willetts 3.74 (3.50)
19. +6 Nick Clegg 3.70 (3.53)
20. -1 Philip Hammond 3.64 (3.95)
21. +8 John Hutton 3.57 (3.41)
22. +1 John Denham 3.54 (3.54)
23. -6 Chris Huhne 3.54 (4.01)
24. -4 Nick Herbert 3.47 (3.71)
25. +9 Rhodri Morgan 3.43 (3.13)
26. +2 Hilary Benn 3.43 (3.41)
. -12 Jeremy Hunt 3.40 (4.10)
28. -12 Nigel Farage 3.38 (4.09)
29. -7 Theresa May 3.36 (3.60)
30. -3 Ed Davey 3.23 (3.18)
31. -4 Grant Shapps 3.20 (3.44)
32. +7 Andy Burnham 3.10 (2.47)
33. +3 Andrew Mitchell 3.10 (3.04)
34. N Owen Paterson 3.13 (NEW)
35. +7 Hazel Blears 3.09 (2.30)
36. +8 Harriet Harman 2.97 (2.27)
37. -2 Jacqui Smith 2.87 (3.05)
38. +3 Ed Miliband 2.87 (2.47)
39. -1 Douglas Alexander 2.65 (2.49)
40. -3 Caroline Flint 2.60 (2.73)
41. -8 Peter Robinson 2.58 (3.18)
42. +3 Alistair Darling 2.46 (2.26)
43. N Shaun Woodward 2.45 (NEW)
44. +3 Caroline Spelman 2.43 (2.08)
45. +4 Ruth Kelly 2.36 (2.43)
46. -3 Des Browne 2.34 (2.30)
47. -1 Yvette Cooper 2.30 (2.17)
48. - Gordon Brown 1.99 (1.99)
49. - Ed Balls 1.98 (1.79)


  1. Good to see David Cameron at the top of the league still.... looks like Gordon Brown is not doing very well.

  2. To me, the most interesting thing is William Hague's position in the standings.

    But anyways, it seems very likely that the Conservatives will win the next election with Cameron in charge. However, his failure to have argued the case for nothing other than 'compassionate conservativism' will lead to his lacking the mandate to do anything other than succumb to the same temptation as George W Bush when the popular media get at him that 'something must be done' every time a 'problem' arises. The majority of the people of the UK will end up scratching their heads wondering why the same old shit is happening to the economy and vote them out at the end of their second term (if they're lucky and the overwheleming majority of the anti-Conservative media haven't got their shit together), for a new New Labour party that will claim to have 'learned lessons'. We can look forward to near zero growth in the UK in real terms for the next half century.

    The key to political success: balance talking the nicey nicey shit with ensuring that those who can be arsed to vote don't get poorer. We're all Social-Democrats now.

  3. How on earth is Alec Salmond not no. 1?

    He has destroyed Labour in Glasgow East and is in the process of bringing down Brown and then ending the Union.

    Magnificent performance.

  4. Why no mention of the totally useless Theresa Villiers?

  5. It's good to see this poll & the one in the Telegraph (I think) recently confirming that the world really does dislike Ed Balls. He is so weak.

  6. Nice to see Balls at the bottom. Better still if he was off the list altogether...

    Beaten by his horrid wife!!!

  7. The only person worse off than Brown, is Balls. Hilarious. And Brown wants him as his successor. tut tut
