Not that I much care, you understand. It's just that he hasn't reared his ugly head in years. Maybe he's retired to Walton on the Naze. Maybe he's plotting another socialist revolution. Anyone know the truth of his activities and wheareabouts? A nation demands to know!
He's agreeing with all you Tories about Europe. Except he doesn't quite froth at the mouth as much.
Arthur Scargill, like the Ouja Ouja Bird, has dissappeared up his own rear orifice.
Annabel H.
Komrade Scargill can be found here:
he appeared on the northern irish version of 'question time' called 'let's talk' about a week ago.
Just over a week ago he appeared as a panellist on BBC Northern Ireland's local version of Question Time. I didn't see it so can't offer any opinion of him.
Those who can be bothered may wish to view the programme via this link:
He's here, older but presumably little the wiser. Unless he's popped his clogs since July, when this was last edited.
hopefully in some Gulag in Siberia, which is where we probably would all be if him and his soviet funded mates had got their way.
He was on the N I equivalent of Question Time a week or two back. According to the blog I saw, it is a dreadful prigramme and it was a dreadful programme.
Not at all like 18DS !
Alan Douglas
How dare you blight us with this man. What have we ever done to deserve him!!!!!!!!
He was last seen (August 2007) in a boarding house in Basingstoke reading back numbers of Reynolds News, embroidering regimental badges on hassocks for Wells Cathedral and whistling a (remarkably tuneful) version of 'Je ne regrette rien.'
Seven charged over 'voting fraud'
Police have charged seven people with fraud in connection with postal voting at the general election two years ago.
Each of the men has been charged with conspiracy to defraud the returning officer in Bradford, West Yorkshire.
West Yorkshire Police said the charges come after a joint investigation with the city's returning officer.
Six are from Bradford and are aged 38, 40, 53 and 67, with two aged 49. The seventh man charged is a 37-year-old from Buckinghamshire.
The investigation looked at voting patterns and postal votes. The cases are due in court on 14 November.
Hasn't he retired to run a small B&B in Hastings with Robert Kilroy-Silk?
Oil may reach $100 a barrel at years end so he is having the last laugh.Tell me there isn't going to be a recession.
Trumpeter - Ha ha! What a vicious, feral looking face.! Not yours, Trumpeter!
I see he's finally given up wearing a Shredded Wheat on his head.
If he is missing...
Maybe he fell down a dark hole?
(And there was no one else down there to find him)
You can be sure that his Massive pension keeps him in comfort! The way his NUM chums looted the miners compensation fund for their own benefit would shame a Mugabe cabinet minister! I wonder if he got a slice of the action?
Jonathan Hemlock - Funny!
I recall the "shredded wheat" line being used in a musical number on a "comedy" programme by Dustin Gee and Les Dennis, in which they did a music hall style routine as Derek Hatton and Arthur Scargill:
DH "Oh Mr Scargill",
AS "Yes, Mr Hatton?"
DS "Is that really shredded wheat upon your head"?
Like all good right on Northern Socialists he has retired to a very posh flat in London. Up the workers that's what I say.
I don't go in for conspiracy theories but I think Scargill really did want to overthrow democracy. As far as I remember he was genuinely dangerous, but not in a good way.
I'll cut and paste your comment into my memory bank of "blogger happy comments." XXX
I feel this thread is becoming a tad incestuous...
Vis-à-vis your last comment and the characters contained therein:
I know the ex-wife of one of them, had dinner next to one of them a few short years ago and played golf with the son-in-law of one of them last month.
What does this prove? Very little other than that the theory of "six degrees of separation" may still hold water.
I'm happy to say that I have never met Arthur Scargill or had dinner or a round of golf with him or any of his family.
However, when (in the future) the rise of the Conservative Party is properly analysed, Comrade Scargill will be up there on a pedestal. We could have never made it without him...
The Twat.
Manfarang, does your car run on coal then?
PS The word verification is getting out of hand.
>The Socialist Labour Party is the political heir of the year-long miner's strike of 1984-5.
He's making Death Wish II, then.
This poster worked for the NCB in the 80s.Scargill was a pestilential plague and in the end everyone on all sides outside Yorkshire realised it.He blighted everything he touched.If the Tories had placed him as a deep cover mole to destroy the NUM he could hardly have done a better job.Ironically there was always room for a profitable slimmed down coal industry in this country.Mines are not like factories.When the reserves are no longer winnable at a profit,you dig elsewhere.He never saw that.Joe Gormley and his predecessors did.I lost a good job in 1988 because of that pillock.
He's running the Socialist Labour party, a bunch whose political views are what you might call Stalinist and who are every bit as sectarian as the likes of the Spartacists.
Bergen has it right. Komerad Skargill was an MI5 agent put in to do Maggie's work, but he was doubled - originally he was a Soviet agent for sure, as revealed by various KGB defectors. Not that Maggie was any better morally, running the national police force through well-funded Monday Club ne-fascist proxies from a suite at Claridges, breaking all British constitutional precedents, using secret services to bug union meetings and faking documents and events via a compliant BBC.
The Soviets foolishly thought that such disruptive behaviour would be good for their cunning plans, but of course it had the reverse effect. Skargill himself was a lover of all things expensed account and the "Socialist Party" would do well to have a good set of forensic accountants.
Forward Britannia!
mfreedom to prosper
What the South Africans used to do with coal-
coal gasification + catalyst = hydrocarbons
Of course it was an expensive process but with oil at $100....
Lives at the Barbican, I believe.
Sasol are still at it.
Anon,Informer.You are a clot.
Glad see you dingbats need only the mildest mention of King Arthur to lose your marbles. 'Looting the pension fund', 'genuinely dangerous', 'Soviet funded'. Dear oh dear, you really need to get out (of your southern golf clubs) more often.
Who cares; he's a twat.
He was on Let's Talk - Northern Ireland politics show the other day. A young lad of about 18 lectured him about how calling for strikes (we have a classroom assistants strike on-going at the minute) was deeply irresponsible. A joy to watch on of Thatcher's children put him in his box. Also quite humurous when the Sinn Fein Regional Development Minister refused to back up his socialist ravings!
Good comedic value.
I saw him at Exeter University Debating Society a few years ago - he was talking about different types of coal in a debate on the virtues of capitalism. It was very boring.
freedom to prosper
A C-17 Globemaster cargo aircraft flew for the first time with a coal-derived synthetic blend as the only fuel on board.
Coal is the future!
Whoever has degrading comments about Arthur Scargill are simply sun reading Idiots.
What was a truly grat socialist leaderwas destroyed by the tory press and the good people of our country were too stupid to realise what was going on.
Many of the comments posted by 'anonymous' here seem to have been inspired by the tub thumping, anti-Scargill crowd who worked for the tabloids back in the 80s. Someone said here that he was set on destroying 'democracy'... you think we have a democracy???
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