UPDATE: When I originally posted this I didn't realise Kerron Cross had already done the story. The picture was sent to me from another source within Parliament. Apologies to Kerron, but it was an innocent mistake. Regular readers will know I always provide hattips where I know the source.
maybe "Common Purpose" has gone to their heads.
If a Member of Parliament finds him or herself unable to wipe their own backside, they can either call for assistance from a member of the Palace of Westminster staff, or they could alternatively call their Constituency Association, and organise a byelection.
Tapestry seems to have missed the point.
I obviously need a magnifying glass. It must be the chlorine in the swimming pools!
"Mugs from downstairs" is no way to refer to our illustrious leaders. Oh, hang on..
The heartening thing about that little note is that although MP's may think of themselves as Masters of the Universe the British People think something entirely different!
Perhaps the MPs should introduce etiquette lessons for the hoi polloi so they know how to address their eleders and betters.
What a bunch of self important pr##s
It's the little things... I'm concerned that this is a kind of tipping point, where MPs see themselves above everyone else in the little things, and not just the rest of the scams they get away with. Viva la Revolution!
Silly note! MPs don't even handle their own dirty laundry, let alone the dishes!
Is there an internal pecking order among MPs, so that some of them can demand instant precedence over others?
Might cause problems in the Commons loo queue.
We have cabinet ministers who are driven yards to the House of Commons. The Prime MacMinister has a whole wagon train to guard him. Former ministers have guards - for ever?- those in positions have guards.
MP's see themselves above the rest of us common lot!
So, when the talk about 'great british debates' 'conversations' or as the great prime macminister tells us he is constantly talking to 'the British people'
JUST WHO participates in these debates, conversations and talks????.
Mike Kingscott is almost there..the seeds which could lead to a revolution are being sowed. - what does the good book say about sowing and reaping?
After today's capitulation to Europe, when the people realise just what has been signed away - and in time awaken to the fact that the 'red lines' are not as watertight as Brown suggests. I most certainly would not wish to be in any of this shower's boots then!
This person makes a valid point:
Give me strength. Now they get priority in washing up? What next - they jump the queue for public transport? They jump the queue at sports matches? Sod it - why don't I just give them the keys to my front door?
I'm looking for the hat tip to Kerron Cross Iain, the so small it's not there print.
Come on man play the game.
Chris, if I had got this from Kerron Cross I would have given him a hattip. I was emailed it by someone. However, it is clearly the same picture, so I suppose it is possible that person lifted it from Kerron's site.
As you know I ALWAYS give hattips if I use material from other sites so you can cut the sneering tone.
I heard a very good argument against the priority queueing system. I think it came from Lembit Opik. What are MPs going to do when they want to send a member of staff to get them a coffee and the member of staff is pushed to the back of the queue.
And Iain, when are you going to respond to the rumours that you will be Conservative candidate for Ann Widdicombe's seat after she retires?
Er yes, how about a hat-tip?? :-/
Kerron, Am v happy to provide a hattip even though I had no idea it was on your site. Did you actually take the phot?!
Pity the didn't do a spellcheck. can't spell. The first 'downstairs' is mis-spelt.
Of course taking photos on the Parliamentary Estate are banned under strict rules - however it was one of my sources. Yes.
Letter from a Tory: You might as well hand them over now, before Gordon just takes them, sels your house and pockets the cash to fund his little pet projects - like Prescott's fat pension fund.
Oh yeah, apology accepted by the way. I guessed you hadn't done it intentionally.
And you do usually credit other sources - which is why I was a bit surprised.
Just in case this threatens to blow up beyond all proportion! ;-)
@ Chris Paul "Come on man play the game"
And what game is that, then?
Whose ball and whose rules?
Just a small point here, by a perhaps overly-pernickity lobster, but either Kerron Cross is talking complete nonsense, or he is happy to flought the rules of his employer. I've seen his blog and it's full of pictures inside the House of Commons. If it's against the rules to take the piccy's, it must be against the spirit of the rules to go on and publish them. Or are you only guilty if you get caught in the act?
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