If sales of the WHY VOTE series of books are anything to go by, the Liberal Democrats are heading for a landslide. Sales figures just through from Amazon show that WHY VOTE LIBERAL DEMOCRAT is outselling WHY VOTE CONSERVATIVE by a factor if 9 and WHY VOTE LABOUR by a factor 25. Indeed, so popular is the LibDem book that we have almost sold out of the entire print run, meaning that we will have to reprint after only ten days of sales. Why has this happened? Because the LibDems have been very good at marketing the book to their own members by email, and LibDem Voice gave it a lengthy review. Or perhaps it's just because it contains an article by Colin Firth. You never know.
Click HERE to buy any of the series of WHY VOTE books.
Or perhaps they want an answer to the question, "WHY vote LibDem? I mean, REALLY. Why?"
Why is the Conservative one more expensive than the LibDem one? Surely the price should reflect the cost of voting for the particular party...? So a tax raising party like the libdems surely ought to cost more (£8.50, say) than a tax savvy Conservative one (£4.50) and Labour (buy now pay later)?
Or maybe there's just more to say about the Tories so printing costs more.
It's probably because, as their policies change from coffee-time to lunchtime and then again by tea, it's a true challenge to truly know why anyone would want to.
The bit about the Lib Dems buying them in boxfuls is probably because they're not too sure either.
Anyway - well done on the print run. All profit now...
"Lieral Democrat"
Freudian slip, Iain? Is that what you really think of them?
Why vote LibDem ? I bet that's the secret question all those Lib Dem activists wish they could answer, but are too ashamed to ask. (Hence the high sales.)
Why Vote Labour ? Because you want to ensure that socialist misery and debt slavery applies equally to all the future inmates on the British republic region of the EUSSR.
Why Vote Conservative ? To stop the above.
Hi Iain,
I'm launching a new blog at the weekend/early next week, and one of the first things we're putting up is a review of Why Vote Conservative. I'll let you know when it's up!
Actually, it would be useful to email you about the plans for the blog and see if you have any advice etc - would this be possible? Any advice you could give would be amazing! I won't take up too much of your time.
Thanks very much!
Iain, how are you counting sales? Is it by Single Transferable Purchase? Or Alternative Purchase?
Just thought I'd point out, there's an error in that graphic Iain. The captions for the Green and SNP books are the wrong way round...
Unless Alex Salmond really has written about the Green Party!
Thought you'd want to know if you weren't already aware.
What Richard Manns said.
Not surprised the LIBDEM is selling the most, I have always asked myself 'why vote LibDem'. After voting Social Democrat, I stopped as soon as they joined with the Liberals. I have always found Lib ideas too wet. They have a large streak of always wanting to what they deem to be fair.
There comes a point when you cannot take that stance and have to look at your own interests. When Hongkong went back to China, Ashdown prononced that we had a duty to take in the 2 Million chinese. I knew LIBDEMs live in another dimension to our own, that proved the point.
It could be that it's a reasonable question to be asking; the others have all been answered, yet "why vote Lib Dem?" never really has been.
There doesn't seem to be a "Why Vote UKIP" book. Why not?
Because UKIP were too incompetent to write one. They were supposed to deliver 40,000 words by mid January. Despite various reminders, they only managed to write 14,000 and it was unpublishable.
Merely curiosity as to what the Lib-Dems are and what they stand for......which you won't find in any book, as the beggars flip flop weekly.
LOL at the Ukip answer.
I suspect the LibDem one is selling well precisely because many people are fed up with the main parties and are examining possible alternatives. I do think the LibDem vote will hold up well in their existing seats and am confident they will increase their parliamentary representation a little in the upcoming GE.
Tory/LibDem marginals are strongly going the LibDem way, which is why Iain spends so much time slagging them off!
The polls are also showing that many people would favour a hung parliament. The main driver here is fear of the extremists who sit behind the public nicey nicey sensible faces of daveandsamandwilliamandgeorge - after all, how can we possibly trust a party who is so wedded to headbanger Tory Madrasssa policies such as those preached by the YBF and it's nutjob leader Donal Blaney and the virulent anti-foreigner stuff we see in this and so many other Tory blogs?
Surely anyone actually reading reasons why to vote libdem will immediately realise that the correct solution is to vote conservative?
Are the Lib Dems buying it to give to people? If so, it seems a fairly sensible idea on their part.
Thatsnews - it may be a bargain, but I'm sure that even Iain's bulk rate wouldn't allow it to be given away. It has been well publicised within Lib Dem circles, which may explain the large sales. It may also be that people are fed up with the media not giving the Lib Dems fair coverage and want to find out what they have to say...
I understand too that the book has a different format from the others in the series. I think they're all written by one person, whereas the Lib Dem one is short pieces written by a lot of different people.
If I give you 40k words on "Why Vote?" by lunchtime tomorrow will you publish it.
I reckon I could swing the election for "None Of The Above".
While I have great sympathy with the last title "Why Vote" & suspect it will represent the runaway winner at this election I cannot see why somebody would pay £6.99 for it. That takes real enthusiasm for stirring up apathy.
"Why Vote Lib Dem" has a different structure to the other Why books does it? Hmmm, something a bit more interesting and appealing to the general public? And it's selling well? Does that not tell you something?!!
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