Thursday, March 18, 2010

John Mann Reaps What He Sowed

John Mann may regret using taxpayers'money to threaten to sue a blogger, the Fat Councillor, who had poked fun at him on a blog. Mr Mann is the most humourless MP I have ever come across. I doubt he will see the funny side of this, but it's another sign of how the internet allows the man in the street to fight back. Apologies in advance for the bad language...


Null said...

Iain, a quick clarification. John Mann has not threatened to sue me (yet). I was responding to Mann's threat to sue the guy behind the website.

Thanks for the link, BTW.

Jimmy said...

The internet allows the "man in the street" to make up anything they like about anyone. I can't see why anyone would ever bother suing a blogger.

Anonymous said...


Mann has really shot himself in the foot with that! I should imagine it will become a Utube hit going around loads of offices etc!

bear of little brain said...

If you read the actual letter, the threatened libel is over allegations made on with regard to Mr Mann's expense claims, and not for poking fun at him.

Anonymous said...


John Mann is one of the hardest working MPs, and I am proud that he represents me in Parliament. If he wants to use a 30 pence piece of paper to sue some idiot who's libeled himself, fine by me.

Also, I think someone should point out that Mann asked for the electoral commission inquiry into Ashcroft, one of your biggest backers...

DespairingLiberal said...

Mann seems to be someone you might have time for Iain, as he chairs the All-Party Parliamentary Group against Antisemitism. The whole thing seems mildly bonkers when you read through it - he really ought to just shrug his shoulders and move on. Hard to be an MP nowadays without getting accused of this, that and the other on blogs.

RantinRab said...

Grumpy Old Twat has a 'truthful' version of the letter...

Plato said...

Very good :D

Unknown said...

There was a Labour student who attended a conference with John Mann speaking. Apparently, John 'reminded' the assembled that 'all Tories are evil'. When I asked said student whether he felt manipulated, I received no answer.

Jack said...

*snore* pretty sure that 'Mann' will be chuffed that this is the best that you lot can thrown at him. Actually being from Bassetlaw, I'd say that we're more likely to be swayed by his hard work - try looking up miners' compensation, beat knee, gravestone staking, his work against anti-semitism...for starters

Unknown said...

Its simple the mann is a dick!

Now thats a pun...

MattNic said...

Iain, I used to like your blog. I never agreed with a lot of what you wrote, but you wrote it well. Recently however your blog seems to have descended in to some pretty damn nasty name calling. I mean posting a video where the description on Youtube demands someone 'shut the fuck up' isn't exactly mature political discourse is it?

As to the Mannisms blog, why so supportive? Until earlier this week it was stated on 'About me' "just to be clear, this site has nothing to do with the Tories". Of course we now know that in reality the guy is a Conservative councillor on Bassetlaw District Council. A councillor I might add of dubious political tastes who on 13th March suggests that disaffected Labour voters support Grahame Whitehurst, a man who talks about 'Interracial Homicide' and isn't miles away from the BNP in his policies. Shouldn't Mannisms be supporting the Conservative parliamentary candidate?

Dick Puddlecote said...

Can I go on record as saying that I think he's a w***er too?

I'd planned top do so at mine but then a think tank did something very stupid. ;-)

Weygand said...


Null said...


Mann has only been libelled in Mann's own mind. If you read what has been written on the blog, the worst you can say is that he thinks that Mr Mann should not be setting himself up as Mr whiter than white after claiming thousands of pounds in carpeting costs.

I created the video to highlight the fact that Mann was using his position as an MP to threaten a member of the public whom was challenging him. Whether the paper cost 30p or £30 is not the issue. It carrying the house of commons letterhead is.

John Mann is certainly hardworking, but these days it is mostly about getting himself re-elected.

As for Mann asking for the electoral commission inquiry into Ashcroft, how disappointing that he failed to do the same about Unite or Lord Paul, of Mr Cohen...

Unknown said...

Mann's living on borrowed time. He's an object of ridicule in the political arena and his position as an MP is about to become untenable. You heard it here first :)

Unknown said...

Mann's living on borrowed time. He's an object of ridicule in the political arena and his position as an MP is about to become untenable. You heard it here first :)

Unsworth said...

@ Jimmy

'make up' as in Jimmy, no doubt.

Unsworth said...

@ Fat Councillor March 18, 2010 11:39 PM

Exactly - and neatly encapsulated.

Anonymous said...

An her's a similar one on Charlie Whelan and Labour.

Penfold said...

Ahh priceless.

The hoi polloi retaliate and refuse to be ground down.

Mann needs to get a thicker skin or get out of politics or become whiter than white.

Steve C said...

I am sure he is a marvellous MP but I am suspicious of people in general who have no sense of humour and take themselves as seriously as Mr Mann seems to.

SECRETS said...

Mattnic says: "Grahame Whitehurst, a man who talks about 'Interracial Homicide'."

Well, Mattnic, I am the Grahame Whitehurst you refer to and, yes, I do, occasionally, speak out about "interracial homicide" in this country. I do so because characters like you, John Mann, Blair, Brown, Mandelson, Cameron and the rest of the PC Crowd in parliament, the media and cyberspace aren't the least bit interested in warning the native Brit of the most negative consequences of the Left's infatuation with the Multicult and its big sister, Mass Immigration.

For those who are interested, you can check out just how much more prevalent foreigner-on-Brit Homicide is in the UK than Brit-on-foreigner, here:

Once upon a time, not long ago, it would have been incumbent upon any true Brit to warn the his fellows if the outsider was doing the British people harm at a much greater rate than the British were doing harm to him. Nowadays, the Trotsyist establishment does its level best to cast the man who issues such warnings as the bad guy.

You aappear to be a Company man, Mattnic. You would seem to be on the side of those who would keep any truth hidden that doesn't flatter the Melting Potters.

I am not on their side.

Check out my election blog here:

PS. You will be pleased to hear, Mattnic, that, a week or so ago, I removed the interracial homicide stats from the above blog. It struck me that they might be a bit too rich for the sensitive blood of most.

Having so ably demonstrated that the cited stats have irritated the PC Crowd, your intervention here may well cause me to re-introduce them.

PS. I have never belonged to any political party, BNP included.