1 (1) Slugger O'Toole
2 (2) Three Thousand Versts
3 (3) A Pint of Unionist Lite
4 (5) Conor's Commentary
5 A Tangled Web*
6 Ulster's Doomed
7 Bobballs
8 (7) Devenport Diaries
9 Tory Story
10 1690 An' All Thon
This list is the result of more than 1,500 people who voted in the Total Politics Annual Blog Poll during the second half of July.
Click on the blog to visit it. For a full list of Northern Irish blogs click HERE.
All these lists, together with articles from leading blog commentators, will be published in the TOTAL POLITICS GUIDE TO POLITICAL BLOGGING, which will be published in mid September at £12.99. You can preorder your copy HERE.
COMING NEXT: Top 30 Media Blogs
UPDATE: * A Tangled Web was listed as an English blog. It has now been put into the NI category. Thanks to those tipped me off!
I wish I could have got £100 down with the PB crowd on that top slot. Safest money ever.
I'll give it a miss. Those blogs are the top ten cos there aint any opposition. There are no good NI blogs. That is not a complete list either. A Tangle Web isn't there, surprising considering David Vance is unionist and Balrog is a raging Irish republican rag not fit to wipe your arse with and hasn't been updated in months. Alan in Belfast posts about events mainly, nothing of any substance!
Slugger gets a mention among these I have to ask, who drew up the list? A moron?
omg!! east belfast diary has two whole pages......
jesus mary and joseph where did you get this list?
Well, afaik, no one "drew up" the list, it was actually whichever blogs people voted for. If that's the case, then "thank you" for the 2nd year running for all who voted for U. Lite and congratulations to both Mick Fealty and Chekov for their deserved 1st and 2nd.
Good also to see the Conservative and Unionist insurgency is progressing nicely with (I think) 8 blogs in that top 20;)
Did they vote on these blogs? Perhaps that was the problem. Outside of slugger o'toole, how many commentators do you lot have between you?
count on one hand please.
I average about 150 to 200 unique visitors daily, I don't get that many comments at all since I've had to put on moderation- round about 50 in total I'd guess over the last week.
Save our pubs? Sounds like a good idea. So get rid of the beer tie, stop the pubcos charging extorionate rents, and finally, and most importantly, once the pubcos have bled a pub dry and decided to close, prevent them from selling it with a restrictive covenant.
These measures will have far more effect that any change to the smoking legislation.
" A Tangle Web isn't there, surprising considering David Vance is unionist"
Most of the writers at A Tangled Web other than David Vance are from either mainland Britain or the USA so it's arguable whether it is a Northern Ireland blog as such, if it is counted as one it should certainly be near the top of the list.
Naturally I'm flattered that my blog should find itself in the Top Twenty NI blogs. I had no notion that it would have appeared anywhere.
I consider my blog more personal than political.
I wish to express my gratitude and appreciation to everyone who voted for me; and well done to other fellow-bloggers.
Thank you for the inclusion. A Tangled Web has both UK and US writers and is assuredly NOT a Northern Ireland blog although I do cover NI topics. I don't like being categorised as anything other than maverick, really! Is that dissenting enough?
As a blog with a daily output in the region of 20 posts, I suspect that NI gets around a tenth of tags so please bear this in mind.
We're transatlantic, maaaan, and we don't care....
Ah hid nae idea there wis a vote, or ah micht hiv tried tae rig it wi' a wee bit o' early an' often votin' in the true Ulster style.
Ah'll knaw fur the future.
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I see you have me down as being in the south and not the north. I could have sworn that was the grey sky of Belfast outside my window. Ye boy ye.
To the ignorant 'onlyasking' who obviously didn't bother to have a look at East Belfast Diary, it's actually the continuation of South Belfast Diary which was started in March 2007. And in any case it's not in the top 20 so I don't quite understand your point.
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