Well, the votes are in, they've all been counted and over the next couple of weeks, you should check into the Total Politics Party Lines Blog to find out which blogs have finished where in the various lists. I won't be carrying them all in full on this blog, as I know people don't like it when I do too many lists, but I will link to the full lists.
The first one is out today - the Top 20 Libertarian Blogs.
All these lists, together with articles from leading blog commentators, will be published in the TOTAL POLITICS GUIDE TO POLITICAL BLOGGING, which will be published in mid September at £12.99. You can preorder your copy HERE.
- Guido Fawkes
- Devil's Kitchen
- Old Holborn
- Obnoxio the Clown
- Underdogs Bite Upwards
- Tim Worstall
- Samizdata
- Boatang & Demetriou
- Dick Puddlecote
- LPUK Blog
- Last Ditch
- Constantly Furious
- Anna Raccoon
- Freedom to Choose
- Rantin' Rab
- Plato Says
- Charles Crawford
- An Englishman's Castle
- Frank Davis
- Oxford Libertarian Society
Nice to see Plato and Constantly furious in the top 20 there, I do enjoy reading both. And I voted for them too, which just goes to show I have excellent taste.
Look at me mummy, look at meeeeeeee.
The Constantly Furious blog is touched by this award. What an honour. It makes the trolls and the RSI seem worthwhile.
Many thanks to all who took the trouble to vote for CF. Especially Uncle Bob - he has excellent taste.
To be honest, you would have got my vote for the Michael Jackson jokes thread alone. Comedy gold.
I was pleased to see my faves in there: Dick P, Leg-Iron, DK, B&D.
Collectively they are the cause of my sleepless nights.
They keep me hugely entertained.
Blog on, lads, blog on!!
What do you mean by "Libertarian"?
Hey, I'm on a list! (One I don't mind being on!!)
He may be spot on on many issues, but Old Holborn is too openly anti-Semitic for my liking.
Do you publish a Nihilist List?
Closet anti-semites will welcome Ferret's discretion, no doubt.
The one day of the year when we struggling libertarians could have had a link direct from Britain's top blogger, and you had to put in an interrupt, rather than link from our names. Pshaw, Iain! Thanks to all who voted though. Most appreciated
Tom, Am really sorry, but there are only so many hours in my day.
I've put the full list of the top 20, with links on my blog.
It'd be great if everybody on the list did the same; either copy the post, or link to it from your own blog.
A little bit of mutual backslapping a link-love, eh?
(let me know if any links are wrong by the way)
Now the links are here: cheers Iain.
My tongue was in my cheek, but you granted my request anyway. Much appreciated Mr Dale. Thanks.
Nice to see Freedom To Choose making the list everyone after all we only started blogging in April this year. Only one little niggle about the link though Iain, that links to our website front page, our blog meanwhile is here. Many thanks to all concerned.
I blog
He blogs
She blogs
You blog
They blog
We blog
But ,how much longer>?>?>?>?
" They would'nt dare " I hear
Wait untill AFTER the next election
just wait.
Beyond the blue horizon
Did you choke writing us there Iain?
Check analysis of this guy who red all these blogs and made some statistics on the topics and viewpoints: http://t-a-w.blogspot.com/2009/12/what-is-libertarianism-blog-edition.html
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