Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Daley Dozen: Thursday

1. Capitalists@Work say Brown hasn't got a cue about energy companies.
2. Luke Akehurst defends Brown's Parliamentary Monitor article.
3. Glyn Davies explains the advantages of unshaven armpits. Nice.
4. Paul Waugh on the LibDem Councillor who lives in Arizona.
5. Lord Norton on why Barbara Castle did not need a gynaecologist.
6. Bob Piper on the blogger who got banged up for two years ... for being impolite.
7. A Pint of Unionist Lite doesn't think much of The Economist.
8. Liberal Burblings on why Harold Wilson wanted to abandon Northern Ireland.
9. Byrne Baby Byrne on declining outcomes in the NHS.
10. Peter Diapre tells us that Theo Walcott is a Tory. Well, his Grandad is...
11. Quaequam has yet more unwelcome advice for Nick Clegg.
12. Darren Lilleker on the politics of nudging.

1 comment:

  1. Iain have you seen this?

    Spot the odd one out eh? I'm sure he'd be tickled pink by his inclusion (excuse the pun).
