Thursday, September 11, 2008

Breaking News: Brown Resigns...

Details HERE.


  1. "I'm a human being and I made a mistake and I'm going to cop the consequences of that mistake," an emotional Mr Brown told reporters after he quit.

    Roll on the day...

  2. You sod, Iain! For one wonderful moment I thought Gordon had bowed to the inevitable.

  3. Well I fell for it! Huge excitement until I clicked on the link ...

  4. Didn't believe you for a minute !

  5. I thought as much.

    At least the Australian guy was partying. Meanwhile we had Brown delivering his vision for Britain: double glazing.

    Whilst Obama and McCain dazzle their audacity and hope, we get plans to lag lofts and insulate a few cavity walls.

  6. Bastard ! You 'ad me going there for a minute guvnor...

  7. your mistake iain, was not to write it as you would have had it REALLY been Gordon resigning.

    that gave it away long before i hovered over the link to see where it led... :)

  8. I'd only just switched away from the Ten O'clock news, all full of dull stuff about the Chunnel Fire, and I was about to switch it back on...

    Git-features !

  9. Doh ! Doh ! Doh !

    Despite my view that Labour MPs don't want to 'vote for Christmas' by booting him out and risking an early election, I was just about willing to believe, after the piccy of him and 'Teflon Tone' at the NI memorial thingy that he was about to throw the towel in pre-conference...

  10. I thought that the Channel4 poll might have been the 'straw that broke the camel's back'...

  11. You had me. Hook, line and sinker.

  12. Aww! From the sublime to the ridiculous at the click of a mouse!

  13. You SWINE Iain!

    I knew it was too good to be true, but I clicked the link with hope in my soul :(

  14. It was the fastest my heart has gone all day.

  15. Oh you old git Dale!!!!

  16. I see he has just issued a retraction of his previous statement saying it was "authored" by an underling. He did not, in fact, "mount" a colleague - he actually offered to "lag her pipes" and inject her (Mc)cavity wall to help her sell her property.

  17. You dirty rotter, Iain. You gave me a few microseconds of hope!

  18. Isn't New South Wales the place where a minister quit after sniffing a colleagues chair?!

    Something of a trend I fear.

  19. I clicked on the link on the expectation it would be Mavis Brown resigning from the Orpington WI.

    Disappointingly all I discovered was an Australian politician behaving as only an Australian politician can.

  20. I don't comment on posts, but seriously! Not cricket!!

  21. Iain,

    You have lost all credibility by running this. It is simply not a joking matter and not funny.
    Grow up.

  22. Any comment that begins: "Iain, you have lost all credibility" is one that I can safely ignore.

  23. Don't get my hopes up like that!!!

  24. Iain you arse! You had me rushing over to BBC to see what happened! I was about to wake the whole house up!

    Brilliant prank, but we're months away from April...

  25. Why did we know this was a spoof?

    It's simple - Gordon Brown would never believe that his policies had failed so badly that it warranted his resignation.

    He is a delusional freak who will believe until his dying day that everything he has done is right.

    Even if he destroys his party in the process.


  26. Iain Dale you terrible £$%^&!!!!

    I got so excited for just one tiny Higgs Boson moment.

    I wanted to believe, I so wanted to believe..

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. You had us for a moment!

  29. ha ha ha! I jumped then for a moment and then clicked the link!

  30. You *git*! You actually managed to raise my heart rate a startling amount there. Only time Brown's ever made me feel fluttery, now I think of it.

  31. Hook line and sinker here too!

  32. Damn you! It made my day, it ruined my day.

  33. You're an idiot!! I wasted valuable seconds feverishly linking to the story!! Hope you're pleased with all the reactions!!

  34. What am I going to do with all this champagne I just opened now...? ;)

  35. You utter bastard - I was overjoyed for a moment....

  36. Iain - that's not fair - thought the useless unelected Broon was gone!
