Sunday, May 04, 2008

LIVE CHAT 6-7.30pm: Gordon's Sunday Interviews

I'll be hosting another live chat from 6-7.30pm on the subject of Gordon Brown's Sunday interviews with Adam Boulton and Andrew Marr, as well as the Sunday papers. Shane Greer will be my co-host. Last night's trial chat went really well (see below). See you later.


  1. Iain could you please find out why the plug was pulled on Brown during his interview with Adam Boulton? It seemed rather strange to halt mid flow or with the delay in broadcasting live did a minder realise that the robust tone of questioning was leading to a major balls up.

    The dear leader looked sick and I particularly like his reaction to the Cabinet full of Children and pygmies! What a launch!

  2. Iain, the strange thing I noticed in both interviews this morning was that Brown was treated almost as Chancellor and PM and in my mind that's how I see him. Is Darling independant - were these dreadful tax changes his idea or Brown's?

  3. Was there a medical professional on hand to stop the interview if Gordon looked like he was going to go wibble?

    Did Gordon have a signal. A word or a movement?

  4. I'm one of the disillusioned labour core voters and I thought i'd see if the Leopard would actual change his spots. I think I watched two minutes of the Andrew Marr interview before I realised it was the same old Gordon, I mentally switched off & I went back to my breakfast and the papers.

    Didn't even bother with Adam Boulton sounded slightly more interesting though!

  5. If he does actually listen ..... do you think he might not stand in Kirkcaldy ?... Massive 18216majority , but if Crewe loses its 7000 and the SNP make big inroads ...Salmond seems to be doing quite well , would he dither over retirement ..? rather than possibly face a Portillo moment...

    Cracka bottle over that one in 2010 ..
