Friday, May 09, 2008

Keep an Eye Out for The Times...

This BIG story is apparently the Times front page lead... Still no idea what it is though.

Andrew Pierce in the Telegraph has a good story about Cherie slagging off Gordon. Doubt whether that's it though.

UPDATE: It is indeed that. So the Telegraph scoops The Times on their own splash. Love it! The main thing is that Blair has been advising Brown on how to win the next election. Not doing a very good job, is he?


  1. Apparantly Gordon Broon is getting secret (illegal?) advice from a certain lying traitorous megalomaniac going by the name of Bliar!.

  2. Cherie didn't like Brown? Big story - not.
    But Blair back on side is the story; and a week being a long time in politics, what will they achieve in a couple of years? Hooray! Start sweating Cameron.
    Btw, talking of defections as you love to do - wish to God Hoey would cross the floor. Sighs of relief all round.

  3. Oh for the days of dignified ex-PM spouses - Norma Major, Mary Wilson, Audrey Callaghan, Denis T, etc! Can you imagine any of them doing this money-grubbing, back-stabbing stunt?

  4. I prayed that we'd seen the back of the vulgar, Scouse wide-mouthed frog... but I see that she still has some grubbing to do. Awful, awful woman. It's almost enough to make you feel sympathy for Tony.

  5. to anon@11:12 Woooo Bliar has come back to save us! Give me a break.
    We have a pretend prime minister who needs a man he despises to help him sound like a human being.
    Cameron doesn't start sweating though I notice, he's really fit.
    Grey Gordy does though, when it takes all his strength to stop himself flying into a sociopathic fit of rage.

  6. God, please, not that dreadful dreadful woman. I thought that when her husband left Number 10 it meant that we'd never have to see or hear from her ever again.

  7. she has brought forward the date to publish her book...Her views on Gordon are clearly one of the main things people will be interested in. Wonder why she changed the date of publication...maybe she thinks Gordon will be gone by October...

  8. Re Bliar : "Not doing a very good job, is he?!"

    So what else is new ?

    Alan Douglas

  9. Damp squib. Cherie despises Gordon. Pope/Catholic. Bears/woods.

  10. Monopoly for the masses - in my own words!

  11. Looks like Our Glorious Unelected PM has bought a shipping order of snake oil. No chance of a refund there!

    Has anyone ever noticed that Et Tu Cherie's wide-mouthed-frog-smile is a rather close match for the Joker's Smile in the Batman film (Jack Nicholson was the Joker)?? Mmmmm, scary...seperated at birth, perhaps? We'll get Prezza advising on NHS matters next - he and Tamsin D would be great advisors on any Health Committee.

  12. Having read some of her exquisite, lapidary, beautifully-chiselled literary efforts this morning, one can only come to the conclusion that Ms C Booth-Blair is one of the original chavs.

  13. not doing a good job? Blair is doing a superb job - of ensuring that HE will be remembered as the greatest Labour PM ever in history...

    have you seen "Headcases" Iain, with the Blair phone calls?

    bang on the money.

  14. Advice from the Marcos-Ceausescus is not going to help him.

  15. Iain Dale 9:48 PM

    "This BIG story is apparently the Times front page lead... Still no idea what it is though.
    Andrew Pierce in the Telegraph has a good story about Cherie slagging off Gordon. Doubt whether that's it though.
    UPDATE: It is indeed that. So the Telegraph scoops The Times on their own splash. Love it! "

    Scoop? Maybe the Telegraph heard the ad for it that was on Classic FM.

  16. Re: Shrill Sherry oops Cherie...

    1) Yup, original Chav
    2) Will always be the Scouse Git's Daughter even if she shops at Prada and tries to be o so much better than us all.
    3) Should be ashamed to be whining, publicly and in print, about not getting a 26% increase from Gordo - I wouldn't mind 6%, am going to get just over 2, and can't make ends meet.

    Thank you and goodnight, Champagne Socialists and the other hypocritical pigs at the Taxpayers Trough of overflowing Bounty...

  17. Read the Times this morning, hoping for something new. Nothing. Main thing is Tony is giving Gordon advice on how to win the next general Election. Yawn.

  18. I'm surprised to be saying this, but maybe Cherie is actually being helpful to Gordo.

    She could have published in the next Autumn, as was the plan, at a time when the book could have harmed the party when things may be looking up (there's always a chance). By publishing now, when things are awful, she's not doing that much damage at all.
