Friday, May 09, 2008

Fraser's Little Tease

At just after 6pm Fraser Nelson posted on the Coffee House that a big Westminster story was about to break. He has no idea what it is, but thought we'd like to know anyway. I have no idea what it is either, in case you were wondering. So we're both reporting a story which we don't even know exists or what it is about. I love blogging!

Anyway, here's my Top Ten Big Westminster Stories Which Won't Be Announced Tonight...

10. Harriet Harman undergoes transgender therapy.
9. Dougie & Wendy Alexander to be rejoined at the hip
8. Kirk from Coronation Street to advise Andy Burnham on culture policy
7. Charles Clarke eats four Weetabix
6. Jeremy Paxman apologises to Michael Howard
5. Clegg says: It was 130 really, not 30
4. Guido Fawkes offered column in the FT
3. LibDem Candidate in Crewe admits: We Can't Win Here
2. Cameron says he's decided to keep the proceeds of growth all for himself
1. Gordon admits: The game is up


  1. Is no.8 an admission that you are a Coronation Street addict then.

  2. Is it anything to do with Charles kennedy's inability to show up at "any Questions" this evening?

  3. 6 has already happened, I think.

  4. Oh, yawn - is it just Cherie attacking Brown? Well, it's not much more of a tremor than her "That's a Lie" outburst at the Labour conference.

    According to the Times, Blair is advising Brown. (source: SKY)

    According to the Telegraph, Cherie is attacking Brown.

    What next: Brown attacks Blair?

    Yawn. I'm going to bed.

  5. I think you're on to something with number two there Iain.

    Cam will I expect share with other millionaire toffs - not that there's anything wrong with them apart from the inbreeding, the patronising, the hypocrisy and the unfairness of it all.

  6. Hey, you leave our Kirkeh alone. He's as dumb as he looks.

  7. On the subject of LibDems and "Can't win here", you might find :THIS latest use of that technique of interest...
