Sunday, February 03, 2008

Rock Obama: Yes We Can

This is Obama's YES WE CAN speech set to music by the Black Eyed Peas. As Tom Watson says, it's quite powerful. And it's bound to set Verity's blood pulsing :)

Note: The posting of this video does not imply that I support Barack Obama. Yet.


  1. Yes, well, thanks for the warning, Iain. I won't be watching it. This fellow gives me the creeps. I won't rehearse all the arguments, but this is one creepy dude.

  2. How brilliant.

    Change is in the air...

    If only there was a politican in the UK who was so inspiring...

    Go Obama!

  3. politician too.

    Iain, why can't you get an edit button on your new blog?

  4. Overlong, repetitive, tedious.
    Yes we can what?
    And if a black singer/politician uses the word "freedom" once more in a song/speech, I shall scweam and sqweam until I'm sick.

  5. Clever slogan

    Awful video

    Blair's music video of 'Things Can Only Get Better' was far more effective in my opinion.
    And I say that as a Conservative voter.

  6. There was a politician who inspired us, remember May 1997, his name was Tony Blair and look at the mess he has left us with !

  7. Hi Iain. Go on support Obama.

    I understand he's relatively inexperienced. I understand he's not as well known as others.

    But FOR THE LOVE OF GOD I just want to be able to vote for a politician who the people can look up to. Who isn't cynical. Who doesn't demonise the other half of the nation. Who will get Americans to realise their shared values. Who can inspire the young to public service. Who can apply Christian values to helping the poor and infirm.

    Call it naive but I'm willing to trust his word until proved otherwise.

  8. The biggest reason why Hillary shouldn't win is Ann Coulter who said if McCain is nominated she will vote and campaign for Hillary.

    How this disgusting woman can find any common ground with Hillary at all tells you everything about why Hillary shouldn't be nominated.

  9. I'd like to see something similar done with a Boris Johnson speech.

  10. Aaaaggh, Verity, be warned! I listened to the first 59 seconds, and by then I was ready to gnaw my own legs off ((C) Douglas Adams). It is so cringe-making. A bunch of poncey twangers and wailers turning some tedious speech into the sort of song that intelligent people don't listen to.

    If this is what they call Barack Music, then I think Bach and Handel are more worth listening to.

  11. I managed to watch 90 seconds of it before I began to lose the will to live.

    GAP used to make woeful adverts like this in a vain attempt to persuade you to buy their clothes because they were so "right-on."

    Shame the kids in the 3rd world sweatshops couldn't afford them.

    This song / advert / whatever / is about as convincing. I'll take other peoples word that it has some style, but sadly, I see no substance.

  12. Clothilde Simon - Thanks. I have a very fine instinct about things like that. It saves time.

  13. Iain, most of your commenter seem to dislike this. I LOVED it.

    Btw, when I clicked the arrow, I had a message saying "No longer available", but double-clicking the pic took me to youtube where I watched twice with tears almost in my eyes. And I'm not a Barack supporter either, except against the wicked witch.

    What the hell is wrong with a gigantic dose of OPTIMISM anyway ?

    Alan Douglas

  14. Iain, even more inspiring in the information here :

    The song was NOT created as any part of Obama's ca,paign, but was inspired by the words of his post-Hew Hampshire speech. Neither the writer/singer or Bob Dylan's son, the producer, were linked with Obama when this was made. They did not even know if Obama knew about it.

    Alan Douglas

  15. Iain you cannot seriously be thinking of supporting this man?

    Jon McCain will win this November and so will America. He has the right experience and the right experience for the job. Its very much a shame that he didn't win 8 years ago.

  16. Maria Shriver, The Terminator's wife has just endorsed Obama.

  17. 12:00 a.m. British time: Maria Shriver endorsed Obama. Gosh, there's a surprise! They've got the Kennedy's tied up. You do know that Maria Shriver's a Kennedy, don't you?

    What's interesting is, what has been promised to the Kennedys in return for their somewhat bizarre endorsements? Caroline Kennedy. Then some other one - can't remember who. Now Maria Shriver. The Kennedy family never gave anything to anyone for free.

  18. Maria Shriver is the First Lady of California - so influential for many voters.

    Whatever happens on Tuesday, it's been a very long time since a politician inspired so many people in such a positive way.

    The consensus in the USA is that whoever wins the Democratic nomination will be the next President.

    It's exciting - I hope Obama can do it. Young people are turning out in record numbers to vote for him.

    The man is a genius.

  19. To 'tone made me do it' - John McCain won't become President because he is far too old and he is known as a bit of a warmonger.

    There is no Republican at the moment who could beat Clinton or Obama - or perhaps both on the same ticket.

  20. "Yes we can" is about as informative a slogan as "change we can believe in". Notice how they both contain the word "we". Inclusive, you see.

    I really can't understand how this man has got so far. Except for having been the junior senator for Illinois for four years, he is completely untainted by office. Until 2004, he was a lecturer at Chicago University. As far as I can see, all he does is repeat platitudes, with a show of anger, so that anyone who is angry or resentful about anything at all may be led to suppose that he is on their side.

    Here is a statement of his foreign policy, from his website: "I will lead the world to combat the common threats of the 21st century: nuclear weapons and terrorism; climate change and poverty; genocide and disease. And I will send once more a message to those yearning faces beyond our shores that says, You matter to us. Your future is our future. And our moment is now.”

    How can the Americans possibly fall for this? On the other hand, it all sounds a bit like Blair in 1997. If he gets elected, his followers are going to be very, very disappointed a few years from now.

  21. verity, as usual you are completely wrong. All of RFK's children have endorsed Hillary. The Kennedys are split.

  22. Shameless propaganda.

  23. fired up? ready to go!

  24. 1:38 p.m. - I won't open my response with "As usual" because you fear to identify yourself, but I don't think anyone knows the name of any of Bobby Kennedy zillion children. Caroline Kennedy is a well known name (funny how fame lasts even if you haven't done anything newsworthy for the previous 40 years). Maria Shriver is a well-known name for some reason. Teddy Kennedy heaves into view as a well known name (drowning people in your car and falling down drunk in the Senate do get you remembered). I don't think most people can recall other names in this Addams family.

    In any event, John Kennedy was a lightweight who did most things wrong.

  25. Iain, you will have no right to call yourself a conservative if you support the left wing democratic candidate Obama (recently named most liberal senator of the year).

    You're either a conservative or your not. Just because some young handsome smooth talker comes along, it doesn't mean we as conservatives get taken in by it. Have you forgotten Tony Blair already?

    Just look at Obama and see the same thing - because that is all he is.

    As conservatives we favour tax cuts, a strong foreign policy, a strong policy against illegal immigration and on crime and social issues.

    Obama favours big government, tax tax tax and spend, sitting down with the islamo facist Iranian regime whilst declining to sit down with Conservative TV networks, amnesty for illegals and is as liberal as they come on other social issues.

    An endorsement for him would really be a disgrace from any real conservative, indeed they would be contradicting everything we stand for as conservatives.

  26. As I've said, the mnemonic this time is ABC, Anyone But Clinton.

    They redefine sleaze to a new low and that's not including illegal tech transfer of rocket guidance to China and other acts dangerous to national security. Then there's the pardon of the FALN Puerto Rican bombers just as Hillary was campaigning for the Senate.


  27. Verity

    I've got it - why did it take me so long? You are really Taki (note the spelling) - but the clever old Greek posts illiterately under your name to put us off the scent!

  28. rightsideforum - you are so out of touch - and quite wrong.

    It's not like 'that' any more. No wonder the Tories can't buy a vote.

  29. Canvas

    Which is why the Tories are nearly indistinguishable from "New" Labour. They differ mostly in personalities and, hopefully, competence.

  30. And I thought he got "yes we can" from the cartoon bob the builder. yep i am mom to a toddler....

  31. Canvas - please point out how I am 'wrong' and 'out of touch'.

    What is so wrong and out of touch with conservatives supporting conservatives?

    Why on earth would we support a polar opposite just because he's got charisma, he's young and he talks a good game.

    There are any number of reasons why the tories have had so many problems in recent years, and supporting left wing candidates just because they get more air time over here, really would be distancing ourselves from everything we're supposed to stand for.

    It is quite clear, that NO REAL CONSERVATIVE would ever consider supporting a democratic candidate.

    I'm not saying we are the perfect match for republicans, but politically speaking as a conservative party, there is much more common ground between us.

    It's all the more important we'd support a 'moderate' like McCain.

    And as for the quite disgraceful comments that mark him our as a warmonger, I'd simply ask you to look at the facts.

    If you really think one of Americas greatest military patriots, a hero by any standard, would throw the US into any old conflict just for the sake of it, you are a very cold and ignorant person.

  32. rightsideforum, the problem with conservatives is that they sometimes only see what they want to see - and they only hear what they want to hear...

    times have changed and so should the conservative party.

    The Republicans have very little in common with the Tory Party. They are worlds apart.

    The Democratic Party are the fair minded and sensible party - and the election in November will prove this.

    People do want change they can believe in. Believe it or not, many people care about issues other than their personal wealth.

  33. canvas, the tone of your post is nothing but a snip at conservatives.

    "sometimes only see what they want to see - and they only hear what they want to hear..."

    "The Republicans have very little in common with the Tory Party. They are worlds apart."

    That is simply untrue. On economic issues, immigration, foreign policy and social issues we share far more common ground with them than we do the Democrats.

    "The Democratic Party are the fair minded and sensible party - and the election in November will prove this.

    People do want change they can believe in. Believe it or not, many people care about issues other than their personal wealth."

    Of course they do. But they should have learned there lessons with the many many frauds that have come before them and promised the same thing.

    Obama will be a weak president. You forget that America IS a conservative country.

    Take a good look at where Democrats were picking up seats last year.

    You had pro life, anti gay, gun loving democrats picking up GOP seats simply because of Iraq.

    Ultimately, the Democrats nationally are the bigger and better organised party, but when a conservative stands against them, a 'moderate' for example, the GOP wins a decisive victory at least in the electoral college. Just take a good look at history and you will see this pattern over and over.

    If it wasn't for Iraq, and either Hillary or Obama stood against McCain, they'd be absolutely destroyed in an election. As it happenens, even despite McCains long held support for continuing the war, latest polls shows he has a lead over both Democratic candidates nationally.

    Forcing them to fight it out in NY and California almost guarentees the GOP states like Ohio and Florida.

    For some absurd reason the media is acting like it is the Democrats race to lose this year. They really couldn't be more ignorant of American poitics if they tried.

  34. rightsideforum, I was born and raised in the States and I disagree with most of what you say.

    The only bits of the States that are by nature 'conservative' are bits of the south and bits of the mid-west. And let me tell you some of those people are pretty scary! The rest of the world is wary of US Republicans - quite rightly too.

    Both the coasts are considered 'liberal' - and you can tell by the huge number of Democratic voters that the majority of people in the USA have liberal views too.

    But the Democratic Party in the USA is not remotely what the British public would consider 'left wing'.

    I'm afraid your views are blinkered...

  35. Its not the Black Eyed Peas. Its Will.I.Am. Give the man his credit.
