Sunday, February 03, 2008

My Fellow Americans...

I have just had an email from someone called Dan Hancox who describes himself as "a (British) New Statesman and Guardian music writer, road-tripping the US Presidential primaries a la Hunter S Thompson in Fear And Loathing On The Campaign Trail '72, with my illustrator friend in tow." They're writing a kind of political travel blog, following the US elections as they travel round the USA, called You can read their blog HERE. Well worth a look.


  1. This is undeniably a 'GOOD THING' we need more Hunter S. Thompson and a lot less Fox News-Lite. Pass the GHB...

  2. Forget the US Election / Superbowl for the moment,

    Where is the full text or a .ppf copy of the Letter which Rt.Hon. David Davis is claiming to have sent to the Prime Minister on 11th December, regarding the bugging of an MP and the Wilson Doctrine , which Downing Street is claiming never to have received ?

    BBC News 24 has alluded to this being released now by David Davis, and Sky News have flashed a copy briefly on screen.

    There is no available copy for download or even a mention of it on
    the Conservative arty website eetc.

    Is it still Conservative policy to treat UK political bloggers and the other few people who are interested in politics, less favourably than the mainstream tv media ?

  3. I won't be reading this or Americano. I'll vaguely browse at what's happening in America every now and then (plus my blogroll and the MSM talk about it quite a bit) but it's only secondary, in my humble opinion.

    On an unrelated note, is the Daley Dozen going to return? That feature has introduced me to more than a few blogs in its time :)

  4. If you bump into any of Romney's people tell them to try this one. At the next debate plant a question along the lines of "If you want to be president raise your hand". McCain would be out from that point on.
