Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Comrade Miliband Appointed Governor of Outer Siberia

Remember THIS from just before Christmas, when I reported that Ed Miliband had moved into an office in Gordon Brown's suite in the House of Commons. I have the sad duty of telling you that his nameplate has now been removed and been replaced by one with the name of Ed Balls on it. Kremlinologists everywhere will be reading much into this.


  1. "The GORD giveth and the GORD taketh away"

  2. Well, if you're retreating into your bunker to prepare for the end, you're likely to want your closest buddies and henchmen around you, eh?

  3. maybe it was just a mistake? the wrong Ed? the House authorities do get this stuff wrong sometimes... though not often...

  4. Won't be long until a whole new set of nameplates is required.

  5. Couldn't have happened to a nicer chap. Such a shame. But these are the perils of high office....

  6. Oh look, another appointment. Another Scot appointed to No. 10's Jockocracy.

    PM appoints Scot as strategist

    Scot becomes the 19th special adviser at No 10

    Nice jobs if you can get it*.

    (*A Scottish birth certificate)

  7. "We had intended you to be
    The next Prime Minister but three:
    The stocks were sold; the Press was squared:
    The Middle Class was quite prepared.
    But as it is! . . . My language fails!
    Go out and govern New South Wales!"

    Hillaire Belloc
