Saturday, December 01, 2007

November Stats

November has been the second best ever on the blog with 241,208 (2006 153,215) unique visitors. This week will also be a record week with more than 70,000 uniques. Page impressions were 438,957 (2006 253,000) in November.

Here are my top 20 linking sites (ie incoming hits) for November. All these sites referred at least 200 people here. The arrows denote whether a site has moved up or down or stayed static since October...

1. ConservativeHome 15.5% ↔ 2. Guido Fawkes 12.2% ↔ 3. PoliticalBetting 8.2% ↔ 4. Spectator Coffee House 3.1% ↔ 5. Dizzy Thinks 2.2% ↑ 6. Biased BBC 1.85% ↓ 7. Daniel Finkelstein ↔ 8. Daily Referendum ↑ 9. Paul Linford ↑ 10. Archbishop Cranmer ↑ 11. Bloggerheads ↓ 12. Recess Monkey NEW 13. Ed Clarke ↓ 14. Tom Watson NEW 15. Witanagemot ↓ 16. Hot, Ginger & Dynamite NEW 17. Luke Akehurst ↓ 18. UK Polling Report ↓ 19. Devil's Kitchen ↓ 20. An Englishman's Castle NEW

UPDATE: Guido is claiming his crown back - well, he can have half of it. He got 423,598 page views from 305,624 unqiues


  1. I don't understand this sort of thing but congratulations. Tie was OK on Sky and I watched it twice even though I cannot stand whatshername (v funny though as she praised Harman)Just a small tip keep quite about not drinking the English like their leaders to enjoy several gallons a week.

  2. I`ve been busy. God the shame of it

  3. Iain you have been on fire the last couple of days. Keep it up.

  4. Good old Excel graphs.

    I'm surprised with all the twists & turns and changes in Ed's blog recently he's still referring so much traffic! ;-)

  5. I keep asking the question, but nobody answers:

    How can a site get EXACTLY the same stats, to 1 decimal place, 2 months running?

    It isn't possible. These stats are meaningless.

  6. I keep asking the question, but nobody answers:

    How can a site get EXACTLY the same stats, to 1 decimal place, 2 months running?

    It isn't possible. These stats are meaningless.

  7. Mitch, what are you talking about? They arent the same two months running. Last month is was 275,000 uniques and 519,000 page views.

  8. Well done Iain. Do you have a theory as to why you're getting around 1.85 views per unique visitor and Guido 1.4. This is quite a big difference and given the volume highly significant.


  9. Iain, what's the definition of a "unique visitor"? Is it really the case that 241,208 different, new people visited the blog in a month? It seems improbable, but perhaps it's just misleading and there is an explanation for it. (which would apply to all blogs of course). I'm just not sure that these figures could be meaningfully compared to MSM readership.

  10. I assume that these figures are interesting to some

  11. Good point anonymous at 1.56. Unique visiors are indidivual people who look at the blog at least once a day. So for example, yesterday was a record Friday as more than 13,000 people visited. But if they all visited again today it would mean 26,000 unique visitors.

    The best measure of indivbiduals is done by Google Analytics who measure actual individuals. So for example over the last 30 days I have had about 50,000 absolutely unique indidivual visitors. Compare that with the New Statesman which has a circulation of 30,000 or the Spectator, which is nearer to 70,000.

    Of course all these figures d not take into account those who read through RSS readers.

    So I reckon I have a readership of at least 50,000 people, most of whom return to the blog three or four times a day, it seems.

    I hope that is a bit clearer.

  12. tracking views per day would be interesting...I suspect this is still very much a village/wannabe village phenomenon, with small upblips when stuff gets a bit exciting (as with the last major blip upwards around the time of the Prescott near-endgame). Still well done nonetheless!

  13. Happy to provide this.

    Average weekday uniques are 8-11,000, pageviews 18-22,000.

    Weekends the figures drop to 4-6,000 uniques and 8-10,000 pageviews.

  14. Iain, ignore me. I know your stats are up, but I wasn't talking about yours anyway. I've mis-understoood these figures altogether.

  15. I, for one, access you mostly from my favourites and not from someone elses blog.
    Do most of your visitors come from other blogs or straight in,as it were, like me?
    Also I clear my files/history very often. Would I turn up as a new or returning visitor having done this?

    Gwil ap Tomos

  16. That is amazing Iain. Of course the New Statesman and Spec are not free but now I come to think about it if I had to do without one,Dale , Spec and New Statesman, it would be the Spectator .

    I have no idea how many people look at my little effort

  17. your blog has picked up its game which makes me wonder if rumours of mass sackings on 18 dowdy street are true. i hear that shakey's wife wants to turn it into a brothwl

  18. Iain

    Your site take so long to load up for us on fixed incomes and old equipment.Speed it up and get more hits.

  19. Iain, well done. Interesting you get a huge amount of repeat visits which is truly impressive. My own website only gets about 2.2 visits per unique visitor over the course of the month.
    As far as I know though, your RSS stuff is being counted because it is reading a feed off this site so that's included in your figures.
