Saturday, December 15, 2007

Don't Ask, Don't Tell

This is a rather sexist recruitment ad for the Ukrainian Army. It's Political Correctness gone mad!

The corresponding advert for the Japanese Maritime Defese Force is, er, somewhat different. I'm guessing the motto 'don't ask, don't tell" hasn't made it to Tokyo yet. Ahem.

Hattip Andrew Sullivan


  1. Iain, did you see the piece in the times today;

    Apparently the Lion Rampant, which makes up part of the 'Nordic Battlegroup' crest, is something which Swedish female soldiers 'cannot identify with' because it has 'manhood'. Thus, to make everyone happy, they have removed it! CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY!

  2. Well, I don't think the Japs are going to be substituting for The Village People any time soon.

  3. Looks like the Cheeky girls have run off after the squaddies, leaving the rather camp cheeky boy for. . . . . .

  4. Serves the stupid twat right for being a BMW driver...

  5. I've heard that Kiev turns gay men straight.

  6. The attractions of serving on the Japanese Navy's "Seaman Ship" notwithstanding ... what good taste shown by the Ukrainian women!
