Saturday, December 15, 2007

Another Kinnock Bites the Dust

Glenys Kinnock is standing down as an MEP. A nation mourns.

I'll be on News 24 reviewing the Sunday papers with Sarah Sands tonight at 11.45pm.

Over. And. Out.


  1. She and Neil realised there was not enough time left in the day to count all the Euros?

  2. Thats one vile parasite out of thousands but a start.

  3. Have they run out of gravy?

  4. Tricky one this, I'm not sure which is worse. Presumably she will now start drawing her gold plated European pension and have lots more time to pop up on our screens to annoy the hell out of us.

  5. Iain

    And You'll be able to talk about Dave's perfect Christmas Present.


    Yougov Poll:

    Con 45%
    Lab 32%
    Libdem 14%

    Projected result on uniform swing
    Conservative Majority: Approx 100

  6. To "bite the dust" is to to felled, mortally wounded by another.

    In a political context this would be to suffer a humiliating defeat, rather than retiring of one's own accord.

    For example, being crushed by the Lib Dems in Norfolk North.

  7. I feel a book coming on from Mrs Pillock.

  8. And a pension big enough to give the police their arbitrated pay deal.

  9. Yay! Grind the Kinnocks into the dust...

  10. Thank you for reminding us that they still exist, after becoming an MEP I thought she'd disappeared off the face of the planet!

  11. Far from disappearing off the face of the earth, Glenys Kinnock MEP has been travelling round the world, the developing countries being her special interest. And you can imagine what happened whenever whe went to a country - more money to the dictator in place. Will she join the British Council as well? What with hubby being "Chair" and, I believe, son working there somewhere as well. The family that works together (at the taxpayer's expense) stays together.
