Thursday, December 20, 2007

Brown Plummets Further

There's a YouGov poll in the Daily Telegraph tomorrow (along with an article by yours truly on the challenges facing Nick Clegg) showing Gordon Brown has a minus 60% rating - the same as John Major had in his last month as PM. The beadline figures show a 12 point Tory lead. Con 43, Lab 31 LibDem 16. More HERE on the Three Line Whip.


  1. Put the figures into
    and laugh at Gordon. Yes!

  2. It's not only the polls. The UK Pound is heading South at an alarming rate.

    Money moves out faster than voters vote out bad governments. That is what is now happening.

    Why it took British electors so long to notice New Labour are totally incompetent and have ruined the country is beyond me.

    If they didn't notice while they were getting wealthier (on paper), they are noticing now they are becoming rapidly poorer. I guess it's the power of the media and propaganda.

    That said it's wonderful to see Gordon Brown receiving his just deserts. Stuff the bastard.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. This won't change because lots of New Lab policies have matured and found to be useless.

    Namely- New-age 'schooling', pouring money into the NHS, open borders, allowing mass immigration, running a massive deficit in a boom, refusing to build more prison places, mega tax hikes - 16 percent in real terms - attempts at road charging, ID cards, IT waste, student loans (imagine a scheme that sets out to strong arm 50 percent of the population into degree-level education that guarantees massive debt....)

    And that's before an economic slow down. Can you imagine what the press will do if we have a recession? Gordo's 'No more boom and bust' speeches will be played on rotation....

    We could go on. But, nope, it's all downhill from here.

  5. This won't change because lots of new Lab policies have matured and found to be useless.

    Namely- New-age 'schooling', pouring money into the NHS, open borders, allowing mass immigration, running a massive deficit in a boom, refusing to build more prison places, mega tax hikes - 16 percent in real terms - attempts at road charging, ID cards, IT waste, student loans (imagine a scheme that sets out to strong arm 50 percent of the population into degree-level education that ensures massive debt....)

    And that's before an economic slow down. Can you imagine what the press will do is we do have a recession. Gordo's 'No more boom and bust' speeches will be played on rotation....

    We could go on. But, nope, it's all downhill from here.

  6. Brown hasn't hit rock bottom yet(pardon the pun). The "credit crunch" hasn't started to hit home yet in the UK; The Northern Rock debacle has further problems in 2008; the economy is in serious trouble with the B of E reducing interest rates in January to try and stave off recession; mortgage re-possessions will be rising and property values stagnating or even falling helped in part by the government's disastrous HIPs policy;the debate for the Lisbon Treaty will be going through Parliament with the constant reminder of Brown and Labour's bad faith together with the police dispute over pay rumbling away and the expectation of increased petrol protests from farmers and hauliers; council tax is set to rise above inflation in part because of the government's reduction in central subsidy and Labour will be decimated at the local elections in May.

    This government is finished and a lot of Labour MPs should start considering other career options

  7. You allow disgusting posts like that to appear without comment, and you wonder why Maidstone passed?

  8. couldnt happen to nicer guy. What amazes me is that Brown looks like he is continuing to dig the hole he is in with even bigger implements every time. He's gone from shovel to JCB now.

  9. Anonymous at 9.30. I hadn't clicked on the link in that post. I get 2-400 comments a day so forgive me if the odd one like that slips through. I do rely on readers alerting me to unacceptable comments so I can then take action. It's just not possible to pick up everything.

  10. iain - In that case I apologise for my reaction, and all the best for 2008. Hope you find your seat, and keep yopur feet on the ground if you do.

  11. "Money moves out faster than voters vote out bad governments. That is what is now happening."

    Not true. The balance of payments deficit is responsible for the fall - should recover as exports pick up.

    Remember the pound at $1.65 or so throughout the late eighties and nineties?

    We're reasonably well protected by the fact that unemployment is low, interest rates are falling and Plus there have been remarkably restrained public sector pay increases.

    While the rest of Europe strikes over pay and conditions, we have industrial relations that are reasonably cordial.
    Merry Christmas all! Try not to splutter into your mince pies!

  12. And once the economic slowdown kicks in, we've got inflation heading our way, so say hello to a re-run of good old 70's style Labour

  13. The nation and above all the economy, desperately needs to get shot of Gordon Brown. But the Tories need to keep him in place, so that the nation can watch him reap the whirlwind and draw their own conclusions.

    If things go as badly as we fear over the next two years Labour will be out of power for twenty years.

  14. Unemployment is not low in UK- it's just they are all classified as "incapacitated"

  15. The deficit was there before. It's confidence that is deserting the currency now.
