Saturday, December 22, 2007

All High value Labour Donors Were to be Offered Peerages

Radio 4 broadcast a programme this morning presented by Nick Robinson called CASH FOR POLITICS, all about party funding. You can listen to it HERE. It didn't tell us much we didn't know before, but there was an interesting revelation about Inspector Yates discovering a memo showing that every Labour donor who paid donated more than £1 million was to be offered an honour. You'd have thought that would be enough evidence on its own, wouldn't you?


  1. Also Lord Razzell said that Michael Brown's company was atrading company. Funny that because in the HSBC case, the judge said that there was no evidence that it had been trading.

    You would have thought that Michael Brown, would hasve produced the evcidence that it was a trading company if that would have kept him out of the clink.

  2. So "high-value" Tory donors don't become peers? The difference between the Cons and ZanuLab is that ZanuLab are incompetent and arrogant as well as corrupt.

  3. Is there really a Lord Razzell? I think that is just wonderful.

  4. There is no such thing as an "open and shut case" in the wonderful NuLab world we now live in. Lock 'em all up for 42 days and lean of 'em.

  5. I really do think it is time to scrap the CPS and institute a Grand Jury system. Let a jury of 12 or 15 citizens decide whether it is in the interest of the public to prosecute cases such as the cash for peerages.

  6. Pretty obvious you're not a lawyer. Ever heard of circumstantial evidence? Numpty
