Monday, November 19, 2007

Why England Will Win on Wednesday

There was an extraordinary exchange at the morning press briefing from the Prime Minister's Official Spokesman today. A journalist asked if, having attended the Scotland game on Saturday, Gordon Brown would be going to see England play Croatia on Wednesday. The PMOS said 'no'. He was then asked why. I'm told that the PMOS then said that some people have been saying he's a jink (can't think WHO). "I'll leave it up to you to make up your own minds".

What an extraordinary thing for the PMOS to say! I suspect that it's more to do with the fact that Brown doesn't want to get roundly booed (again).


  1. Thank God! Oh thank God! I was so worried he was going to turn up and jinx us.

  2. This is really scrapping the barrel Iain. I wonder, how many England games did Thatcher, Major, Blair attend. I can safely state that the first on that list never attended a single one.

    PMOS. Is that another offering from Coulson

  3. we are through, excellent. can you imagine the booing that prat would have got..... i almost wish he was going in some ways

  4. We never voted for Gordon Brown to represent our country - NEVER EVER.

    Gordon Brown has no mandate to represent England at this match.

    Maybe David Miliband should turn up at the match - just to p*ss off Gordon Brown a wee bit more? hahahahaha. Especially if England then won.

  5. Lucky England. If only he had stayed away on Saturday.

  6. Of course he's a jinx. He's already brought us war, pestilence, blue tongue virus, mad cow disese, flooding, bird flu, collapsed banks, record bankruptcies and the side he's supporting always loses. Disasters and lawsuits in the pipeline will be generated by human cloning, GM crops, stupid foreign doctors, illiterate teachers and pretending babies don't need fathers - or in another context don't need mothers.

  7. Damn - I will be there on Wednesday and was looking forward to singing "Time to go" at him, with a particularly vitriolic FUCK OFF at the end.

    But actually, the jinx thing is more important, thank god he's staying away.

  8. As a Scot Nat I am now determind that England must win ..not just a draw which would be good enough

    to prove the Gordy jinx theory :-)

    Common Engerland !!!!

  9. Sorry to be pedantic, but it is now the Prime Minister's Spokesman (PMS) and not the Prime Minister's Official Spokesman (PMOS). The designation was changed when Brown entered No. 10. Apparently, Brown thought that having someone titled the PM's official spokesman might imply that he had an unofficial one.

  10. Of course Brown is a jink. He's also a jinx.
    I hate to say it, but international football leaves me cold; it means another week without league matches and a decent Match of the Day.
    International matches are invariably boring, especially as our players always look so much clumsier than the opposition.
    Not qualifying will also encourage enraged supporters to take out their disappointment on Gordon and Co. The Bogeyman will be aware of Wilson losing the 1970 Election after losing to Germany in Mexico.
    I hope we lose, because I enjoy all the bile it generates in the papers. Hopefully, McClaren's successor will insist that clubs force their players to improve basic technical skills, such as being able to kick with both feet.

  11. Lucky for England you mean. If they were playing N Ireland we'd only humiliate them again. Sig... instead Croatia will have the pleasure.

    N-O-R-T-H-E-R-N I-R-E-L-A-N-D!!



  12. I would gladly pay a £100 quid just to join in with the largest boo since booing replaced throwing seat cushions as fair protest.

    Then leave to go and watch some proper civilized interesting sport like the New Zealand v South Africa test match on the box.

    Football sucks and footballers suck even harder.

  13. I am one of those who believe football is an institutionally corrupt game. Not only internationally but in the Premier League - if the game was honest West Ham would not be playing in the Premier Division this season.

    Now I hope that England will beat Croatia- I believe that they have the right players all they need is to get a decent manager but I think they will win for other reasons. If Russia qualified, they will hardly take any travelling support to Austria/Hungary or is it Austria Switzerland but England have a large travelling support who can spends lots of Pounds/Euros/Swiss Francs whatever.

    Equally so what happens is that it is realised that it is essential that World Champions, Italy are in the finals with their travelling support (and Euros) so when Italy are threatened with not qualifying what you get is a Spanish Referee to ensure that Italy win and if it takes a wrong decision on a free kick which is headed into the net in the 89th minute so be it as long as the Azurri are there


  15. Anonymous said...
    This is really scrapping the barrel Iain. I wonder, how many England games did Thatcher, Major, Blair attend. I can safely state that the first on that list never attended a single one.

    Thatcher and Major never spouted off about being in love with Gazza or "really enjoying" his goal for England against scotland. In other words, they never tried to use sport for their own devious, selfish political ends. Brown did! Brown deserves all he gets.

    Anyway, why would Brown or Blair go to watch the England football team? They're both scottish!

    The funnist thing about the rugby union world cup final was Brown trying to ingratiate himself with everyone. I especially loved it when he tried to have a chat with Johny Wilkinson...who blanked him! It made the pain of defeat subside.

  16. Can we petition No10 to get Brown to go to the England match wearing his Scotland fitba' shirt (after all, that's where his alliegance really lies- and it would add to the boo)?! Unlike the Jocks, i am not remotely bigheaded before the match about England's chances, and hope our media shy away from the Scottish vomit inducing 'hero'ising of the team. For example- McFadden as a 'gladiator'. OMG. The only 'gladiators' the Scottish football team resemble are those on the extremely camp ITV classic saturday night programme! I'll watch the match on Wednesday with a pizza in honour of the Italians.

  17. as a welshman i hope and prey that england are hammered. a few weeks of english this and english that when there are other teams (mostly better) in the competition will do most peoples heads in. the only problem is if England doesnt get in will the beeb or itv show it at all

  18. Are you sure Broon's not there?

  19. Oh dear Iain.

    That almost made Saturday worthwhile for this Scot. Almost.
