Monday, November 19, 2007

Nadine Is on the Warpath

If I were Alex Hilton, I'd be afraid. Very afraid. Nadine is on the warpath after he trawled through her daughters' Facebook profiles. See Nadine's blog HERE. She ends her post rather threateningly with the words: "Take me on all you want, but mess with my kids..."

A word of advice Alex. Apologise. Before it's too late.


  1. Dippy Dorries stated:-

    ""As an MP I don’t mind it if people want to take a pop at me – it comes with the territory. However, not my kids""


  2. Last time I checked, the political adviser to Scottish Labour who resigned after calling Alex Salmond a c*** and being abusive to women at an awards dinner on Thursday had his Facebook profile set so anyone at all could view it. That's just asking for trouble.

  3. I'm sorry but this sh*t is hirLArious.

    My favourite bit on her profile is the quote from her flatmate -

    "She's not black....... she's a N*gger".

    This Chido girl is f*cking funny! Here is a selection of her other words of wisdom:

    * "n*gga ill kick yo ass!(My brother, dont even think about sayin it to me!)

    * "The British love to talk They talk before they have gone to the loo, My shit is so good!!" (My mother on a discussion on the British brag about things that haven't happened yetin sport.)

    God I love public Facebook profiles!

  4. You would have thought the name Chido Kawunda would have given him a clue. The t*t. Simon Smith looks like a serious heavy, I would be s*******g myself if I were Alex. Bit of a pervy thing to do, a bit sick if you ask me.

  5. "Take me on all you want" - but her blog seems to make no provision for comments, ever friendly ones.

    ND is 100% right about universities. I can't say it there so I say it here. What we have is effectively huge deliberately contrived unemployment financed by loans.

  6. Hilton's a nasty piece of work, I remember some of his activities when he was a councillor in our Borough - always ready to stir the s**t, not so keen on the hard graft(allegedly).

  7. The man is clearly pondlife - but if you and others repeatedly do the same to families of Labour politicians what did you expect?

  8. I am sure every single weirdo in the world will now trawl through her daughters Facebook profiles...

    So maybe no publicity is good publicity? I don't know why Nadine highlighted the issue. She'll only make it worse for her children.

    Not a wise move.

  9. Nadine usually makes the typically female mistake of thinking 'being gobby' is the same as 'being assertive'.

  10. Her daughters can easily stop anyone looking at their profiles by changing their privacy settings on their facebook accounts. Which I am sure if they are as smart as their mother they will now do... oh...

  11. ouch, i wouldnt like to be on the wrong side of her. Just shows that she retains her humanity in the inhuman place that is Parliament.

    Well done Dorries.

  12. Whatever you think of an MP attacking their children is just tacky but her response will just inflate things further. That said a mother defending her children is not a person to cross.

  13. Nadine must be insane. She has covered her famously ditsy blog with pictures of her daughters and friends of her daughters. And anecdotes and all told thousands of words of utter drivel.

    If she is going to use her daughters as PR she can damned well put up with the adult ones being challenged when they post facebook profiles chock full of "nigga" and "nigger" - WHATEVER that may be about. It's silly. Her mum has put her repeatedly into the public eye.

    Don't you think? And when you say daughters plural are you in fact exaggerating to to three fold?

    And are you not being hypocritical as several comments have pointed out when far more invasions of privacy than saying Nads has a ditsy kid at uni (but wants to pull up the ladder) have been perpetrated by Tories?

    Not to mention drawing attention to the issue which Alex posted a couple of weeks ago wasn't it?

  14. This is definitely below the belt and nasty politics at its worse!
    Hasn't this researcher got more important things to be doing rather than trawling through opposition MP's kids facebook entries in the hope of political point scoring?
    I am not surprised that Nadine Dorries is livid over this intrusion into her kids lives, I am pretty sure this has caused them some distress.

  15. I think sometimes the family of an MP is fair game when it undermines their poltical position.

    For exmaple Dianne Abbot sent her children to public school. Emily Thornberry used a ruse to get her kids out of Islington and into a Potters Bar Grammar. Tony Blair , of course , purchased property in the right catchment area.
    Chris Huhne has sent his children to public school as well as using the state sector ( ie when he could rely on selection by location)

    When such polticians decry the existence of selection at Grammar schools we can reasonable say they are hypocrites.

    As far as Recess is concerned he is 'allegedly' highly unlikely to have any children due to the condition micro-penis syndrome from which he has suffered since puberty. This is when the penis is malformed and in a semi clitoral mode partly inverts leaving what is more a swollen clitoris than a true member.

    Walter Sickart suffered the same problem and there is somne speculation that the Victorian painter was Jack The Ripper.

    So he could have been worse ,

  16. Haha - Hilton WISHES he were a researcher. The poor sob doesn't have a job, for crying out loud.

  17. Making comments about an MPs children is not on. Yes you can critise the parents over the choice of schooling as that is the decision the parent(s) have made. But never ever comment about a child simply becuase he/she has the misfortune to be the child of an MP.

  18. Well done Nadine. I was horrified to see Alex rifle through her kids' facebook accounts. Unfair, unnecessary and not remotely newsworthy. Clearly he has nothing better to blog about if he's willing to stoop that low. MP's children do not choose to be in the public eye.

  19. Ye gods, politics is a grubby affair these days, isn't it.

    So, an MP blogger can't occasionally write about her family life without some idiot thinking it legitimises a direct attack on those family members?

    I hope she takes the perpetrator to the cleaners.

  20. If Chris Paul and others are so desperate to defend, what, by any standards of decency, is wrong. Then they are becoming the pariahs of the politcal world.

    I'm sure Hilton and Paul if confronted in the street would appear to be normal average reasonable people, yet this normality seems to disappear when confronted with a computer screen and attempting to gain kudos amongst their political peers.

    It's as if their brain goes walk-about and a layer of nastiness surfaces to control their thoughts.

    Perhaps if they just stop and think or a moment before clicking the transmit button would save themselves a lot of trouble and, possibly, gain some friends.

  21. Oh Curbishlyauto. Can you read? Several people here have made serious points about this being self inflicted, about Tories doing just the same kind of things in far more difficult circumstances.

    Why can you only respond with personal attacks rather than answering argued points?

    I didn't trawl the facebook netherworld for this. But it has been up for ten days.

    During which time Nadine has shamelessly exploited her daughters and pushed photographs of them on her ditsy blog.

    Nadine is out of control blog-wise. She is riding for a fall. Amusing though that is someone somewhere needs to have a serious word with her. It is quite possible that she could even lose her super safe seat the way she's going.

    She has also managed to smear all Labour MP employees, to accuse Alex of misuse of parliamentary resources (ha ha ha) and even to suggest that Alex is a paedophile.

    This is outrageous whatever the provocation.

    Has she even asked Mr Hilton to remove the post? Has she considered that she and now Iain are in fact pushing the children she says she is protecting out into the public view. What does their poor dad and the second ex-husband of this "Princess of the Blogs" think?

    Please do stick to the arguments. More here.

  22. Hilton is a prize s*** thank goodness even the Labour party will not select him for a seat.

    He also spends part of his life trying to find dirt on the CF Leader.

    His blog was the only one I have removed following the "Thatcher is dead" spoof.

    I hope Nadine does sue and puts him out of business.

  23. Highly negative comments about Euan Blair are OK though, as he has used his family connections to weasel his way in to places that would never have accepted him otherwise. Like working as a researcher in the US Senate, where there are thousands of young Americans better grounded in American history and the way the Senate works than him. He's a horrible little thing. The true spawn of the vicious, destructive Blairs.

    I read the other day that Blair is miserable out of office. It warmed the cockles of my heart.

  24. "Not on"? SAYS WHO? Who does she think she is? We can say whatever the hell we want about Euan Blair, her brats or anyone else.

  25. Nadine is out of control blog-wise. She is riding for a fall. Amusing though that is someone somewhere needs to have a serious word with her. It is quite possible that she could even lose her super safe seat the way she's going.

    You genuinely just don't get it, do you?

    It seems that everything that happens in a blog is political and therefore, in your eyes, is "Fair Game".

    That is what I mean when I talk about a layer of nastiness that rises up and takes over.

    You're incapable of seeing the humanity of a family on a screen without trying to score cheap political points.

    I really feel sorry for you.

  26. Gorgeous Nadine is of course a single woman, and what she lacks here is a man to place a firm hand on her arse, squeeze lightly and say 'There there dear, nothing to worry about here", and then give her something to take her mind off it.

  27. Your heart?

    Verity, are you sure about this?

  28. [4:31] Sure about what?

    By the way, why is this woman, who is presumably British, writing like a redneck American? "Don't mess with my kids!" It's so artificial. It speaks of a craving to be American, but she doesn't understand the nuances of American society. I cannot imagine in my wildest dreams a US senator, or a state senator writing "Don't mess with my kids!" They would use more formal language. There's a formality about Americans that has gone right over this lady's head. I think this sounds pathetic.

  29. Has recess monkey been closed down?

    Did he pull, or was he pushed?

  30. When I saw it on recess I thought her kid HAD said it, so in a way she was right to put the record straight. Alex really is groveling in the dirt now. if he ever did want a selection he has blown it now.

  31. I am SO not a fan of Dorries and her 'ark at me' name dropping blog. However, I have to agree that targetting her children for political ends is not on. Alex should apologise.

  32. I feel sorry for her. She obviously had to put the record straight for the sake of her kid. What a stinking toad that man is. I suppose its open game now on the children of all MPs, now that he has set the bar so low.

  33. Suggesting people are racist appears to be a very popular pastime for lefties. It would be funny if it hadn't reduced a term that once carried some weight to one of random everyday abuse.

    When someone if now called a racist does anyone take it seriously?

  34. Still, a sensitive choice of lawyers by Dorries, there. Let's hope Smug Monkey's site isn't on Fasthosts, eh...?


  35. Verity - I know what you mean about American 'formality' - but half the words that Americans use when they try to be 'formal' are unnecessary and redundant...

    They try too hard to sound like Dr Frasier Crane.


  36. As a matter of interest who is responsible for appointing Tories to select committees - perhaps they might want to explain what the author of the following comment might conceivably contribute to the Innovation, University and Skills sub-committee.

    "It's not rocket science.
    Now that’s one course you can’t study at many universities. In order to accommodate the golf course management courses many university science departments have closed."

  37. Ach, that's just Recess Monkey - he's been wrong before.

  38. Hilton's post was distasteful, but bearing in mind the sort of morality politics Dorries plays, you can see why he went for this approach, even if you don't agree with his action.

    I don't even think Hilton was saying Nadine's daughter is racist, just pointing out rather silly, frivolous people who should know better); when the BB controversy occurred the argument wasn't so much Emily was racist but cosseted and utterly stupid.

    However, Nadine is happy to complain about Alex wasting time on facebook and his blog but has no trouble discussing all manner of trivia on her website (funded entirely out of her pocket?)

    You have to love how she links to an individual who "specialises in defamation" in response to the post and makes a particularly charming little insinuation her self at the tail end of her little rant.

  39. I cant understand how you have all come out in support of Dizzy Dorries. She is a single mum now, and we all know what you lot think of them

  40. Chatterbox said...
    This is definitely below the belt and nasty politics at its worse!


    Tory Shadow ministers, NOT mere Bloggers have:-

    Targetted ""BABY"" Leo and Euan Blair, Prescotts Wife, Blairs wife, Ruth Kellys children, etc etc. Threat of legal action is very very funny, and so typically Tory; would be thrown out as nonsense.

  41. Heard it all now. 22 year old is a kid

  42. "It's not rocket science.
    Now that’s one course you can’t study at many universities. In order to accommodate the golf course management courses many university science departments have closed."

    Seems like a fair comment to me. Some of us rather like the idea of universities being high class educational institutions rather than dumping grounds for people who aren't suited to or don't need a university education but are forced to get one by pushy parents.

  43. Canvas - I don't agree that, re American congressmen, "half the words" they use are unnecessary, but sometimes they do try to pump up the formality with a few unnecessary words.

    They nevertheless try to maintain the dignity of their office. They do try to elevate their discourse above over-the-garden-fence chit chat.

    I just thought "Don't mess with my kids" sounded so unnatural and wannabee from a British MP. it sounded a false note. I feel she brought her office into disrepute.

  44. Dorries has herself opened herself up to libellous action...

    If RecessMonkey can get away with it for 'reporting purposes' i.e. a blog (which I must admit is highly unlikely)

    But her insinuations that he is unprofessional (unless verified by fact) insofar that he spends his professional hours looking through facebook profiles) and, worse, a paedophile can found a libel action.

    As far as I'm aware...

  45. recess monkey seems to be a bit thick about human nature.

    every sane person knows that if you attack the daughter, you have a 100 ton juggernaut called "the mother" on the horizon.

    its a bit different with men and their sons - "ah, dont mind that. its character building..."

    not so with mothers and daughters. not by a long shot, as any afficionado of Alien 3 can confirm.

  46. "I just thought 'Don't mess with my kids' sounded so unnatural and wannabee from a British MP. it sounded a false note. I feel she brought her office into disrepute."

    no verity - that's her speaking her mind. you'd be surprised at how many americanism s have come into the English everyday language with the arrival of the interweb thingie. of course, on the telly or in the Commons, such utterances would never be uttered. but i sense utter seething from what she wrote. hence the lapse into americanisms.

    we all do it.

  47. Sorry, if it's published on the internet it's inherently fair game.

  48. Now, what Hilton did was tw*ttish to a fault, I think we can agree on that. And his half-baked sanctimony concerning "the 'n' word" just makes him look like an ever bigger t*t. But a dignified and proportionate response would have been to point out, gently, that his conduct was ungentlemanly and oikish.

    Not to scream back like a cyberfishwife - "Oi! Leave me kids aht of it!" (I paraphrase) and accuse him - thought not with the courage to do so in so many words - of being a paedophile.

    And, as others have pointed out, if you play her meretricious form of 'family-oriented' morality politics then I'm afraid you deserve to be hoisted on your own petard.

    Hilton -5, Dorries -10.

  49. Dorries didn't call Hilton a paedophile you silly Labour trolls.

    She said, " is not lost on me that he chose to highlight the Facebook account of my 22 year old daughter. However, has he been through the Facebook accounts of all of my girls? One of them is only 15 – and if he has – there’s a word for people like you Alex."

    The word I had in mind there would be 'nasty bully'.

    Does anyone think it acceptable for anyone to stalk 15-year-olds?

  50. Dorries didn't call Hilton a paedophile you silly Labour trolls...The word [sic] I had in mind there would be 'nasty bully'.

    Not a NuLab troll, Nadine (it is you, isn't it?). A tory who happens to disagree with a) your tombstone brand of conservatism and b) sanctimony. But thanks for playing.

  51. Is this the same daughter that covers staff holidays in London during the summer? If so then it is not just a question of her daughter, but also a member of staff of the office of Nadine Dorries.

  52. Rm one day, clearly bored 'had a pop'. ND one day clearly bored got angry. Don't you have anything better to do? This isn't gossip, it's crap written by people with the Internet consciousness of absolute beginners. Don't publish on the net if you don't want to be seen. If you do, you face the consequences. What RM said was not libellous or even perverse, the woman is an adult. There is no proof he viewed ND`s younger daughter`s profile.

  53. Could one of the real blogging/Facebook experts explain to the little ones how you go about trawling someone - who you're not actually agreed friends with - on Facebook... it's not as cut and dried as you may think.

    You'll be in for an education, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, eh?

  54. Don't particularly like Hilton myself, or Mad Nad, but the Tory Blog Boys jumping up and down over this is rather hypocritical given as someone pointed out, Leo Blair, and this blog saying that Sam Farage had joined the Tory party, when his father had never used him for PR purposes.

    If one gives...

  55. Trixy, Sam Farage is an adult. He joined a rival political party. That was a legitimate thing to comment on.

    Nadine's 15 year old daughter is not an adult.

    I don't recall any attack on Leo Blair.

  56. Don't lie.....

    Phillipa Storm Dorries is 22 and an adult.

    Insinuating that this Blogger is a paedophile……lame!

  57. First of all, nadine did no such thing. Second of all, her youngest daughter is 15, not 22.

  58. Not being a parent perhaps I am missing something (e.g. any understanding of that false moral outrage), but Nadine continues to fail utterly to endear herself to me and frankly every time I make the mistake of clicking through to her blog (usually via this site) I regret it almost immediately, and not only because her writing is so 'goddamn' awful. I realise that a) we need to up the quota of women in the party; b) Nadine is waaaay more tolerable and genuine than most female Labour MPs; c) She's a friend of Iain's... but really, we should be able to do better!

  59. Ian, the post was on Phillipa, not on the youngest daughter- it was only Nadine who ever suggested Alex looked at the 15 year olds profile.

  60. Iain, you appear to be somewhat confused about what actually happened and what Nadine imagines might have happened. And I doubt very much that you would be as blind to her insinuation if it were directed at you or one of your blog chums.
