Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A New Blog on the Block

The Telegraph has started a new blog today called THREE LINE WHIP. It is their equivalent of the excellent Spectator Coffee House, and will have contributions from across the Telegraph political team. I think the main man will be Iain Martin.


  1. Three Line Whip has got off to a good start. I shall haunt it.

  2. it started off well, then it just turned into another outlet for Alan Cochrane to vent his spleen against Alex Salmond/the SNP. There's more than enough of that in the main Telegraph.

  3. Checked it out and it looks good ... except for one thing - 'dirty european socialist' has found it and is poluting it with his excrement as we speak ...

  4. On the subject of Dirty European Socialist and Iain Martin take a look at the comments here.

    He is either genuinely deranged or engaged on an elaborately pointless charade.

  5. The creator - Well, I think he is genuinely nuts, but canny with it. Did you notice that his spelling on Three Line Whip was considerably improved over the poor spelling and illiterate usage he employes here?

    I don't care whether he's a genuine moonbat or just imagines himself rather amusing. I just skip his/her posts.

  6. One has to struggle through so many DES splenetic posts that it is not worth the trouble. It has done badly for a first day. Any moment Gregory Mahoney who pollutes Sky non-moderated blogs will appear there. It is about his standard.

    Victor, NW Kent
