Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Admin Note

I have noticed an upsurge in Anonymous commenters making baseless allegations in the last few days. Just a reminder that if you post anonymously and you make spurious allegations against others, the chances are that your comment won't get through moderation. So why not save yourself the bother? Or at least have the guts to put your name to your comment.

The poster who styles himself as DIRTY EUROPEAN SOCIALIST has been yellow carded. Any repetition of his libellous comments will result in a complete ban.


  1. He's infested Three Line Whip too. Argh. Can't wait for his red card.

  2. Benefits DES is all over the blogs all the time so he doesn,t work.

  3. Who cares -- just scroll by.

  4. I apologise. Please tell where I made libel commments, and I will retract those comments. I just find it ridiculous, when the tory press say Cameron won today. How did he win? Surely you should show a bit of neutrality. You are one of the most respected major bloggers. Fawkes is mad, I can take it from him.
    Do seriously think Cameron won today?
    Cable won, but not the tory leader, who was weak and pathetic today. I am not a Cameron hater. But he was pathetic today.
    It was an away goals win for Brown, considering where he was.
    What he did today was like going to San Siro and drawing 5-5.
    No way did Cameron win. The Lib Dems won. The tory bloggers should realise labour people read their blogs too and it is frustrating to read such extreme bias. Anyway I am not on benefits. Not that people who on beneftis are bad people. Those people need jobs, not hatred.

  5. I apologise to you Mr Dale for offending you. I will not post from now on then.

  6. It's good that you've taken action.

    Frankly the DES comments - hilarious though they very occasionally were - got to the point of being obstructive to any sensible debate, or any debate at all, come to that.

    As I always say - your blog, your rules.

  7. Or then again I might. It depends.

  8. I don't think I've laughed so much till I read DES' assertion that Hilary Benn was a woman!

  9. DES = Post-ironic trolling.

    Remember, children, don't feel the trolls.

  10. Good for you Iain. It's great that posts from non-Tories appear on here and enrich the debate, but too often DES talks utter drivel which detracts from the often sensible discussion and interesting contributions made by those who post on here.

  11. I thought that he was a very young socialist Iain - or posing as one.

    Whatever, the young I can forgive, if supposedly mature then they should have the intelligence, faith in their own opinions, and courtesy to debate seriously.

  12. I guess thats not because DES thinks Hilary Benn's going to the first woman PM.

  13. DES also thinks that Gordon Brown is a completely decent, honest, straight-talking hard-working person who is just down on his luck, that's all, and people shouldn't be so nasty to him. Especially that nasty horrid Cameron person who is always angry. Oh, and Harriet Harperson is a feisty lady of around 40 and will make a triumphant comeback. You must admit he's given us all some unintended comic relief, always the best kind.

  14. Of particular note is that the DES blog neither permits comment nor provides contact details ... clearly the moron likes only the sound of his/her own voice.

    Optimum strategy is to completely ignore - whatever the provocation.

  15. dirty european socialist has proved by his pathetic message here that he is,indeed, a small minded member of the Labour Party Kindergarten. They are paid to go on all such blogs and make allegations to the contrary of the story in question.

    He has shown, Iain, by his response to your Red Card just how juvenile he is.

    My son and his colleagues in the army would love to know his identity because of his ridiculous comments against the armed services! So if anyone can oblige please.

  16. And unlike you, Iain, DES does not permit comments on his or her pathetic blog.

    I wonder why?

  17. I reserve my baseless allegations for Guido's blog now.

    He is monstering you on the invisible millionaire scandal, my spurious allegations do not have to be approved by CCHQ and so appear straight away and he does not censor comments that are unhelpful to his future career.

    Yes, I know you have an independent mind. Being the World's Greatest and Most Expert Blogger and wanting to be an MP are not entirely compatible, though, are they?

  18. anon 4:37

    Probably because he hasn't worked out how to get the comments facility switched on?

    People like that just need to be ignored, then they'll get fed up and try and infest someone else's blog.

  19. As I said yesterday and then self deleted. I wish DES would F**K OFF

  20. DES is a good indication how rattled the New Labour machine is.

  21. I thought Comical Ali had retired to the Emirates?

  22. think how much money you are saving the NHS who would have to otherwise provide these people with full time carers.

  23. Good to see your tolerance. It far exceeds UK POLLING which seems to have banned everybody but a dozen blogophants which continuously appear. Speaking around, the Election professor, has a high rate of banning, and elimination which makes the Blog purile and sterile.

  24. 2:48 ????

    4:03 Coward insult me when you think i cannot reply

    4:05 It is terrifying the army would employ a creep like you.

    4:37 Pathetic you are pathetic.I am proud to say.

    5:41 with your one
