Thursday, November 29, 2007

Kevin Maguire is a...

Andrew Neil had better watch his step. He's just introduced Kevin Maguire as a Geordie. He isn't. He's a Mackem, from Wearside. Mr Maguire will not be pleased.

Now, complete this sentence. Kevin Maguire is a...


  1. is it true that the 'Geordie/Mackam' thing dates back to the time when they used to produce steel on one side of the river, and make things from steel on the other - as in 'yow mackam, an we smackam'?

  2. XXXX but we already know that. Professional North Easterner and general Nu Labour apologist. However every cloud... nobody reads the Mirror anymore. So let's get this clear somebody (Mr X) backs more than one horse in the same race. Don't forget the money laundering. I think the Army needs to go home and prepare for Government.

  3. Not half as obnoxious as his column in the mirror. I've been slightly impressed with him over the last few days. He can't help loving Gordon, but he's admitting that this is a massive balls up.

  4. Unfair. You don't allow swearing.

  5. The highlight of This Week was seeing that total babe Kate Melua - who, for a Rusky brought up in Northern Ireland, sounds very South Ken!

    She says Britian is the best country to live in.

    Wrong - it WAS one of the best countries to live in - which is why the number of people trying to get into the country roughly equates to the number of people who are trying to get out!

    Ironically, for every Bulgarian trying to get a one-bed flat in Clapham, there is a 60ish retiree buying a mansion on the Bulgarian riviera!

  6. Would love to have an in depth political chat with katie melua...

  7. Iain,

    kevin maguire is not a Mackem. He is in fact a Sand Dancer, as he hails from South Shields.

  8. I'm off to Georgia, to see if Katy has a sister!

  9. Am I alone in seeing the hidden hands of the spin doctors as Labour lackeys like Diane Abbott and Kevin Maguire line up to suggest this is all Blair's leftovers? The language being used is identical.

    The Labour party has turned cannibal and they are eating each other. "Who can we stick it on to deflect blame from Gordo? Blair will do..."

    I have always thought Peter Hain to be a sleaze, so it was no surprise to see him failing to declare donations. I wonder what else we will find under the surface now the nest has been disturbed?

  10. Oh well, I shall seek reuge in the fact that he supports Sunderland!

  11. OK, for the benefit of soft southern ******** like me, can we please, once and for all, get to the bottom of the various insults which fly around the North East.

    They mean nothing to us.

    That said, I don't know we call people from Plymouth 'Janners' - but it is certianly not a compliment!

  12. Ah Bless, nice to see Aitken and Portaloo back together again. Just like old times.

    Aitken is even more creepy than ever!

    And he is religious now - which is even worse. Perhaps we should send him to Sudan on a Teddy Bear naming mission.

  13. bank manager - Tyneside and Wearside are not on "different sides of the river". You're confusing them with Newcastle and Gateshead.

    Anyway -- Iain, is it fair to say you seem to have rather enjoyed all of today's political coverage from the BBC: everything from Newsnight to Radio Kent? Would it do you any harm to say so?

  14. Kevin Maguire is a t*at. And the filmed insert before the section he appeared in was beyond parody.

  15. Listen Iain,

    For reasons best known only to yourself, you've always had a soft spot for Caroline Flint.

    I've always thought that she has the talent and charisma that you associate with till supervisors in Aldi supermarkets.

    But tonight on "Question Time" she turned up looking like a singing telegram in the style of Morticia Addams.

    Where does she buy her hair dye from?....the estate of the late Robert Maxwell, perhaps?

  16. Am I alone in seeing the hidden hands of the spin doctors as Labour lackeys like Diane Abbott and Kevin Maguire line up to suggest this is all Blair's leftovers? The language being used is identical.

    You're not alone Tony. And has anyone counted the times DA has said that "no-one doubts Gordon Brown's integrity" - I first heard it when she hit the C4 News studio. That's the spin - it's all the fault of that dreadful Tony Blair - Gordon is just a poor innocent victim. A Man of Integrity. A control freak, micro managing Stalinist who somehow didn't have a clue who the parties major donors were.

  17. I felt that in the end the government escaped from tonight's programme quite lightly. Portillo didn't get as much time to speak and what was said seemed to minimise the whole thing. I'm surprised as it all seems very serious to me but I respect the opinions from this programme as they have often proven correct. They all felt that Harriet Harman will survive. Time will tell I suppose.

  18. BJ, yes I have much enjoyed this evening's BBC coverage. Newsnight was excellent. Bad guest lineup on QTime I thought, but havent watched it all yet.

  19. Alan Duncan is always a class act, Farage is pure car crash telly, and the businessman (whose name I forget) acquitted himself quite well... though I didn't see the beginning of the prog when I guess they must have discussed Labour funding. Teather and Flint were a bit preachy as one might expect.

  20. is a still a useful idiot for Brown (but at least willing to give him a light kicking)...

  21. Bad guest lineup on QTime I thought,

    Flint looked in her depth....

  22. I have forgotten to thank Iain for the “star billing” last Friday and must make amends for my tardiness. Thank you, Iain, for making a “strange day“ even stranger.

    “Strange days” now seem to have become the norm.

    I have been thinking about why this is the case over the last few days.

    I recently bought a ‘new’ car. It is red. It is not very nice but it is functional. It is a manual but it is very economical. It replaced a large green car, a “full leather” thirsty automatic, which has been written off by the insurance company, after a charming lady smashed into it near one of our major airports.

    I would like the red car to be considered ‘new’ but the problem is that it is actually the same age as the green car, although it has done half the mileage. I drive it in London much more than the green car, because it is very cheap to run but the automatic green car was better suited to London driving conditions.

    The green car is rather like the Blair regime. It was expensive to run but ideally suited to the conditions and terrain. The red car is like the Brown regime. I would like it to be considered new but it is, in fact, the same age as the green car and it is not so ideally suited to the London driving but it is now my only car and I have to make the best of it.

    Today we had a classic example of the differences between Blair world and Brown world. If we had been at the height of the Blair years, Alistair Campbell would have started to bombard the BBC and all other media outlets with letters of complaint and telephone calls from 5 a.m. in the morning. A credible set of Blair government stooges (government ministers, Labour M.P.’s and tame newspapermen) would have been sent out to cover all television and radio programmes, from “Today” to “This Week”. The message would have been the same and would definitely have involved some form of solidarity with any beleaguered member of the party (although Mr Campbell would have also been writing their resignation letters, in private). It would definitely not have involved admitting that a Labour Party official had committed an offence.

    Contrast Brown’s reaction. His people finally realised that arch-Brownite Diane Abbot would be on “This Week” at 11.35 p.m. Not a difficult realisation, as she is on every week. She was given the “party line” “This is the remains of the Blair Years” and this was taken up by Kevin Maguire.

    Brilliant. Who watches “This Week”? Politicos and insomniacs. Big Deal. That’s got through to the 17 people who’ve referred to “This Week” on this blog. Only 59’999,987 people to go then (and that is ignoring the fact that most of the contributors to the blog seem to have watched the programme to ‘lech’ at Katie Melua (O.K., I admit that Iain probably didn’t tune in to do this but most other contributors did))

    What a contrast !! I did not like the Blair regime. I saw enough of what they did to get their way but they were effective. No one ever accused Tony Blair, Peter Mandelson or Alistair Campbell of being “Mr Bean”.

  23. Ah haway man Iain, why'd you have to say something good about him?

  24. Can't he just sod off to where his
    name hail's from Ireland!.
    Any one who wants begin a campaign
    to restrict immigration should show his face on the ad.
    It would be a real vote winner

  25. good political reporter for a window cleaner haha he is so lame.

  26. "no-one doubts Gordon Brown's integrity"?????

    I do, but then I'm just a taxpayer, so I suppose I count as "no-one".

  27. The businessman on QT was a patronising git. Accusing the Shadow Cabinet of never having done proper jobs. Errrr..........have you looked at the Cabinet recently? I'm afraid I thought he was symptomatic of the hierarchical and blinkered attitude which sadly still pervades much of British industry.

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  29. anon. 9am: I think that is chris paul you are talking about. I agree.

  30. ...New Labour Celto-Marxist trying to destroy the English and England? That might do for starters.

  31. Listening to the Toady prog's interview with Jack Straw (carefuly scheduled after 8.30am - their big interview was devoted to Conrad Black. I wonder why?) anway - it seemed pretty clear to me that they're preparing to dump Jon Mendelson and trying to airbrush out his connection with Brown, while playing up the 'it's all a hangover from the Blair era' line. Macavity strikes again.

  32. Worth bearing in mind in all this confusion about who received what from whom, that Iain is on record on saying he received a donation from Lord Aschroft - when what was in fact reported was a donation to a Consituency Association from Bearwood Corporate Services!

  33. Abbott is going from bad to worse, the eye rolling, the looking at the ceiling, closing the eyes while she thinks of what to say. Awful and we are paying her.

  34. Mackems never produced steel. They produced ships.

  35. Kevin Maguire is going to back Cameron??

  36. Anonymous 9.41. Funny how you didn't put your name to that attempt at a smear. But for the record,Bearwood Services is a company owned by Lord Ashcroft and has never pretended to be anything else. It fully complies with all Electoral Commission reporting requirements so you have no valid point to make beyond trying to smear myself and Lord Ashcroft. Typical stunt. Yes, the word is stunt. I think.

  37. Maguire is an Irish name. His forebears would have been brought over in mid19th century by someone like Lord Londonderry as strikebreaking scabs. Now that NuLab are breaking us all up into smaller units in order to operate their divide and rule principle these distinctions are important.

    And as an exiled Macken Sunderland supporter I would urge you to tread carefully Iain.

  38. Dale 10:05

    Funny how a statement of two facts at 9:41am is a smear - but you cannot see any smears in your own posts (e.g 10:49 last night for example)

  39. Err how are we supposed to complete that sentence? You've banned swearing from the blog!

  40. I am unable to participate on the grounds that you do not allow swearing.....

  41. Why does the Beeb give a platform to the ghastly Farage? Surely there are enough loonies in the main parties if you wnat contrarians without the need to scour the dregs of the UKIP/BNP factions?

  42. successful graduates of the Shropshire and Herefordshire Infanty Training School.

  43. Interesting post on Guido:

    I'm glad that its beginning to come out at last about just how much Gordon Brown hates women.

    That Spectator article this week about how abusive he is to secretaries working in government offices is just the tip of the iceberg.

    It's true that he treats them like dirt and even pushes them out of their own seats sometimes if he wants to get at their computers but he is just as obnoxious to female Labour politicians.

    Yvette Cooper and Glenys Kinnock are just two Labour women amongst many who have been bullied, ignored, and humiliated by this pig Brown. Just look at how they cower and kow-tow to him now even in public. It's becasue they're scared of him.

    He behaves a lot differently with most men, particularly young men, which has given rise to all sorts of rumours, some of which may, or may not, be true. There's no smoke without fire.

    The fact is though is that Gordon Brown has a big problem with women, he hates them, and behaves like an obnoxious pig with them.

    It's about time more people realised this.
    ex labour employee

    see also

  44. Warm And Nice Kind English Reporter?

  45. Professional reporter investigatinng on corruption and kingmaking.

  46. Itinerant dealer in old tales.

  47. Kevin Maguire is a ducking aunt. I'm using a mobile and I've got predictive text on.

  48. 7 letter fellow.

  49. Complete universal news trafficiker

  50. Maguire is a Sand Dancer rather than a Geordie or a Mackem. He is from South Tyneside (South Shields); locals on balance probably identify more with the Geordies but in football terms there are followers of both sides in that area.
