Friday, November 30, 2007

Breaking News: Harman Development

The Electoral Commission has contacted Harriet Harman over the funding of her Deputy Leadership campaign following David Grossman's report on Newsnight last night. Perhaps she will answer the questions David put to her last night, which she failed to respond to then.


  1. I appear to have mislaid my heart of stone, and now find myself crying in my trousers.

  2. Perhaps they will contact Hilary Benn too.

    The reporting requirements make clear that impermissible donations must be declared too. Along with the details of when the payment was returned.

  3. I don't know much about the Electoral Commission, but such is my faith in so-called 'independent' watch dogs, after 10 years of Labour's 'jobs for the boys', I have little faith. So many of our processes have been reduced to a sham under this Government. The free press, who are supposed to be the ultimate watch dog have largely been lazy and self interested.
    I hope to have some faith restored. We shall have to wait and see. If anyone can offer comforting words about this body, it would be great.
    I do have faith in 'Yates of the Yard' and am glad to see he has some involvement. To hear MPs complain about the length of the cash for honours investigation, when it is clear it took so long because those in the centre were not always helpful, was a disgrace. To hear him justify it on the basis of 'I swore an oath to the Queen' was magic. To see their faces, a picture. Some of them have clearly forgotten they did the same.

  4. oscar wilde - Harman is no MILF, WTF are you doing playing pocket pool over her?!

  5. They never just resign do they?

    Her husband is nominally the party treasurer - but we find via Guido that Dromey is not the legal treasurer but merely some sort of honorary patsy. He says he knew nothing and there was 'complete concealment'.

    Why has Harriet Harman's husband not resigned in shame?

  6. Harman and Dromey make limpets look like butterflies.

  7. I believe that illicit political donations have to be confiscated by the Treasury and may not be returned to the donor. Apparently this happended in the recent LibDem case. If true, this will complicate things more than a little for Labour. Anyone know the law on this for sure?

  8. Patrick,

    Good question on many levels.
    I would most probably have hanged myself if I were married to it.

  9. Wonderful!

    I'm sitting back eating popcorn watching the disaster unfold EVEN further. Smug grin firmly in place.

    Pure comedy - and to think this shower are supposed to run the country!

    There is the wind of change in the air - Labour are dying. The even better news is that they will repeat the drawn-out death of the Major government over the next couple of years. This will make them unelectable for a decade.

    Gordon should just go now - for the good of his party. He won't of course, which makes it all the better for new Labours haters nationwide who want this bunch of cretins to reap what they have sown.

  10. Excuse me. Just slipping in to make a test.

  11. Vanity ! Vanity ! All is vanity !

  12. This news is stale Ian. Didn't you watch the BBC lunchtime news? Our government is falling apart and the unbiased Beeb led with a global warming story.

  13. It almost makes me weep to tell
    What foolish Harriet befel.

  14. I dont suppose David Grossman has long at the BBC. asking difficult questions of Labour, but perhaps he has the go ahead as Brown would like to see the back of her.
