Thursday, November 29, 2007

Inspector Yates Makes a Comeback

Do not go away from your computer this evening. It promises to be quite a night...

* Dizzy is onto something HERE with the source of the Evening Standard story
* Rumour is that the YouGov poll for the Telegraph is terrible for Labour
* The Electoral Commission has now referred the donations scandal to the Police

God how I wish I was on Question Time tonight...

More in a bit...


  1. Yet the BBC hides the police referral on an inside page on theiur website, and gives us stories about martial law being repealed in Pakistan sometime before next year's elections.

  2. Caroilne Flint left to defend the indefensible

  3. Does anyone know who is on Question Time? On a day like this we need Hague (or another big hitter) to be on it... with Ian Hislop to do the dirty work ;)

  4. It's amazing that the biggest political scandal, possibly ever, is unfolding before us, and the Media have relegated it to "and in other news"! We know the Labour lick-spittles at the BBC will do this, but the press have relegated it off the front pages as well. Harry Redknapp or the Sudan Teddy bear story don't compare FFS!

    It's like all the NuLab media toadies are circling the wagons, in an attempt to shield Labour. But I get the distinct feeling that it will be like Custer's last stand, without any of the glory!

  5. It's not going to be much of a night, staring at a blank screen. How about moderating a few comments, so us plebs out here can have our bit of panem et circenses?

  6. I always felt that Yates would be back in the New Labour picture. There appears to be just too much malfeasance roiling under the surface of that outfit.

  7. Come on Iain, would you really put it past them?

  8. BBC website has a small box on its front page 'Donations row referred to police' - Row? what row? Can't they bring themselves to use words like 'illegal' and 'sleaze'? Can't they bring themselves to put the word Labour in the heading either? They make it sound like an obscure little local quarrel. Can you imagine what the headline would be if it was about illegal donations to the Conservatives?

  9. Alan Duncan is doing Question Time tonight. And just to protect their great leader the BBC have tracked down Gordo's favourite businessman, Paul Myners. Look at this CV:
    He is a Trustee of the Brownite think tank The Smith Institute and has been dubbed "Gordon Brown's favourite businessman". He is also part of the management team put together by US private equity house JC Flowers which is bidding to take control of Northern Rock.

    Others on the panel are Caroline Flint, Sarah Teather and Nigel Farage.

  10. david

    Alan Duncan
    Caroline Flint
    Sarah Tether
    Nigel Farrage
    Paul Myers

  11. The British Government Broadcasting Corporation have totally failed to represent OUR interests in this matter. They have NEVER stuck the knife in - last night's performance by Axeman was terrible. How can you possibly expect any fireworks tonight? Blogs like this are the only way to attack these b*******s.
