Thursday, November 29, 2007

EXCLUSIVE: New YouGov Poll Puts Tories 11 Points Ahead

I am told that the YouGov poll for tomorrow's Telegraph is quite devastating. The Three Line Whip blog points to terrible figures for Labour in the detail of the poll, but the headline figures are bad enough. I emphasise that these figures have not been confirmed by either the Telegraph or YouGov, but I am assured they are true...

Conservative 43
Labour 32
LibDem 14

UPDATE: ConservativeHome reckons I'm wrong HERE. As Tim says, we'll see who's right at 9.30 when the poll is officially published.


  1. Watch the sh!t hit the fan..

  2. It amazes me that with everything that's happened, one-third of voters still back this shower. I guess that says something about the alternatives. Also, for all the talk of stealth taxes and so on, the economic situation is still relatively buoyant. What will really do for Broon et al any economic downturn...

  3. I think they'll be different - Labour got 32% from YouGov last time didn't they?

  4. Its two years+ till a general election. Its only since New Labour that the government has been paranoid enough to need to be ahead in the polls all the time. ( Mrs T had balls and was willing to do unpopular things for the country's good. )

    The question is will the Blairites go for the kill ? As Labour is safe for 2 years.

  5. Telegraph are denying your source

  6. Of course the electorate has been volatile this year; or at least, the opinion polls have, which is not quite the same thing.

    But at last I detect the sour smell of defeat. Labour still want power but the fire has gone out of their belly. After ten years they know, in their heart of hearts, that the dream was a mirage.

  7. A 3rd of the electorate will vote McLabour eh?.

    They also go by the name of Scots.

    They have their own government and Prime Minister, quaintly titled (for now) "First Minster".

    They also elect Gordon Broon, who is the Prime Minister of virtually England only, they elect him for matters NOT devolved to the Scottish Parliament North, which is virtually NOTHING, yet he has full say over England and English affairs, yet he is elected by people from another country, no English people voted for him, and NO English people can vote him out.

    That is a Dictatorship.

  8. They are obviously surveying the section of the population who never watch a news channel.

  9. ConHom says you are wrong...

  10. Well I'm not. You'll see at 9.30.

  11. 43% would be excellent news for the Tories Iain.
    I just find it hard to comprehend how Labour are unchanged at 32% since the last YouGov poll, held one day after the original discs went missing.

  12. You appear to be correct Ian!;jsessionid=KL1CC0LBW441ZQFIQMFCFGGAVCBQYIV0?xml=/news/2007/11/30/npoll130.xml
