Tuesday, November 20, 2007

How Much Will Paul Gray Get?

One of my commenters, Herr G Eagle, has just asked a very pertinent question. What is Paul Gray's severance package from HM Revenue & Customs? Seeing as the taxpayer will be paying for it, it is an entirely legitimate question to ask, so if we're given some b******s about "it's a private matter" then we'll keep asking asking the question until we get the answer.


  1. whatever he gets, i bet it will be sent by registered post. it really is one rule for those who are in authority, and another for the poor taxpayers. but does cameron offer the prospect of a break with that? or more of the same, respun blairism. god help us.

  2. Why not a freephone number and why nothing on the HMRC website that I could see?

  3. Gross misconduct = zero severance I would think.

  4. anon @ 7:02 ... No freephone number and no website reference simply becauser they know that both media would be swamped to crash within minutes ...

  5. You get severence pay when you are severed not when you resign. He will not get a payout, it's totally out of the question.

  6. Quite. Couldn't believe Jon Snow asking "why wasn't he sacked"?

  7. It might be worth pointing out that Gray did not cause the problem, it was one of his staff. However, as the head of the organisation, he felt he should take responsibility and resigned. That's the sort of action we should at least give him credit for.

  8. I notice from listening to Alistair Darling's statement to the commons (20 Nov) that he said that Paul Gray told him he will resign and has confirmed again that this is his intention.

    He did not say he had resigned, or that he had accepted his resignation.

    Anon 7:59 - perhaps if he wasn't head of an organisation that had lost control of the nations bank accounts we could be a little more generous. I think you underestimate the severity of what has happened.

  9. whatever he gets, i bet it will be sent by registered post.

    No it won't, they'll have his bank account details in his payroll file. Then again so will every Nigerian scamster between here and Kamchatka if HMRC securituy is up to its usual high standards.

    I guess if it does get sent by registered mail we'll know just how much prior information Paul Gray had of this clusterf

  10. He should not get a penny. He has caused mayhem in the R & C with his stupid plans. He was turning it into a call centre with poorly tax trained staff who could only read scripts with zero tax knowledge. His plan is to close down all the local tax offices and put them into Centres where the work is already 3 months behind with their work while the local offices were up to date and knew what they were dealing with. Don't even talk about the tax frauds that we uncover from attacks on the Self Assessment system ...... now that is another story. Millions have been stolen from the taxpayer from bogus returns the Revenue have to process under his stupids rules - process now and check later........grrrrrrrrr!

  11. How much will he get? My guess would be 18 months suspended or maybe a slap on the wrist and community service if he is lucky.

  12. It's more shocking than you could ever imagine. He will be paid in full until his official retirement next year. Then he gets his full pension.

    Details can be found here:
