Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Fisking Home Office Identity Theft Advice

Do visit THIS page on the Home Office website about identity theft. Best to wear a nappy before you do though, because you might wet yourself laughing. Here's a fisked extract...
Criminals commit identity theft by stealing your personal information.
Or intercepting it in the post, if you somehow forget to send it registered...
This is often done by taking documents from your rubbish or by making contact with you and pretending to be from a legitimate organisation.
Like a government department like, well, er, HMRC, perhaps.
Identity theft can result in fraud affecting your personal financial circumstances, as well as costing government and financial services millions of pounds a year.
No shit Sherlock. Especially if it is the government's fault and they are then sued for millions by irate Child Benefot receipients.
If your identity is stolen, you may have difficulty getting loans, credit cards or a mortgage until the matter is sorted out.
But perhaps that nice Mr Darling will step in and help you, like he did with Northern Rock. It's only taxpayers' money, after all
The following tips will help you protect your identity and prevent criminals from committing fraud in your name: Your identity and personal information are valuable assets. Keep them secure.
Best thing is never to let the government have them in the first place. Did someone mention ID cards?

In case you were wondering, my comments are in italics!


  1. First-rate fisking, Iain.

  2. This is incredible. Is this true?

  3. and your call may be recorded for SECURITY purposes ....

    you couldn't make it up !

  4. I've tried checking my account online tonight as the government has advised but can't access the bank site. Tried phoning aswell but they're not answering at the bank's call centre.

    Looks like panics spreading. I'm changing my account tomorrow.

    It's info about the kids getting into the wrong hands that's most worrying.

    I'm flaming furious with this awful government, they've really gone too far with their incompetence this time.

  5. Do you think Gordon Brown's details are on those disks too ?

    I have to say David Cameron is spoilt for choice for PMQs tomorrow. Its going to be a target rich environment. Gordon's going to need his bicycle clips...

  6. Man in a Shed,

    Unfortunately, I gather Gordon is going to be in Uganda tomorrow, so he can't do PMQs. If he sends in a Deputy, I still think Cameron should go himself, rather than put Hague up. As good as William is (and he is brilliant at it), having the Conservative leader question whichever scapegoat Gordon puts up is going to be a PR disaster for Labour, as well as a mauling.

  7. Nor, I am sure, am I the only person who gets unsolicited calls from HMRC that begin with them demanding that I prove I am indeed the person they think that they have called. When asked how I am to know that they are calling from HMRC, they say that I should call them back (at my expense) and speak to a supervisor. "But you called me" I typically respond. This generally goes on for some time before I give them the benefit of the doubt and confirm my personal details (won't be doing that again). After this rigmarole we finally get to the point of the call, which is invariably nothing more than a reminder that my tax return is due in the next few weeks. All this to keep some young lady in a job in North Wales!

  8. david,

    I agree, in fact I said as much earlier today "I hear that Gordon Brown has flown to Uganda and so will not be at PMQs tomorrow. If this is the case then can I suggest that, although it is customary if the PM is away for the Leader of the Opposition to stand aside at PMQs for another shadow cabinet member, in this case the point that Gordon Brown has deserted the country and the 15 million potential victims of this episode of ineptitude should be made loud and clear by David Cameron. I am sure Vince Cable will make his points as vigorously as he has done already today."

    This government has ignored Parliamentary customs when it suits them; eg: the appointment of Michael Martin to succeed another Labour MP as Speaker, so I feel the Conservatives can ignore this one.

  9. So having known about this for two weeks, he now does a timely McCavity act. We shouldn't have expected anything more from this clown. As to practical matters, I guess it would be advisable to close the account which is registered and open a new one at a different bank, after having first changed your name by deed poll, and moved to a new address. Hopefully the government will provide the necessary grant to defray any expenses incurred (after having first removed it from your pension fund, pay-cheque etc.)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. What were your words on Sky?

    "Scott Carson is playing, thank God."

    I reckon the PM picked the side to deflect attention from the government. For a Scottish PM it's a win win situation.
