Sunday, October 07, 2007

Why North Korea Couldn't Knock the Skin of a Rice Pudding

Peter Hitchens rather destroys the myth that North Korea is a danger to anyone in THIS riveting despatch. I wish he'd do more of this sort of writing, rather than just slag off the Tories.


  1. By coincidence, I had just finished reading the Hitchens piece before tuning in here and very well-observed and well-recorded it is.

    But I wouldn't want to lose his astute thoughts about British politics.

  2. But Hitchen's intelligence informs all his writing, not just his despatches from Pyongyang and Tehran.

    His intellectual position is your "slagging off", his clear-eyed attack is your blinkered defense.

    Your myopic intellectual fumblings will never equal Hitchen's work, even if he is completely wrong, let alone if he happens to have a point.

  3. North Korea really does appear to be hell on Earth, when compared to the likes of Burma or Zimbabwe.

  4. F**k Hitchens, Cameron could say "the sky is blue" and Hitchens would call him insincere and a liar. He insults what all of us do week in and week out, trying to get a conservative, Big and Small C, government elected. He delights in calling the Tories 'useless' when there is nobody more useless than a critic who won't stop criticising. He talks about Cameron more often than Cameron's wife or Cameron's mother talks about Cameron.

    Hitchens is a boring lying deceitful bastard. He writes a column every week that only serves to keep the Labour nannies and social workers in power. He's got an inflated opinion of himself as some sort of zenith of rightwingishness despite the fact that there are probably 20 Tory MPs more conservative than he is. He thinks that just because we don't subscribe to his religious lunatic wish to legislate everybody back to the Stone Age and instead want to govern for, y'know, sane people that we're all hopeless. Hitchen's can go and f*ck himself.

  5. Joseph Goebbels - steady on, old chap! Iain didn't complain about Hitchens' writing in any way. Just thought he should write about areas other than domestic politics. Stick to international reports (Perhaps Iain wants the domestic field all to himself!)

    Yet, after reading this piece by Hitchens, non-interventionist though I am, I wonder what we can do. And I wonder how the S Koreans feel about this (other than fear of invasion, of course, which is nonsense. But understandable.)

    I have visited S Korea several times and it honestly never occurred to me to take an interest in N Korea. I never even thought about it. All those people living sub-human lives and it never engaged my consciousness.

    Mr Hitchens has done a service.

  6. Another account focusing on North Korea's less pleasant face:

    I don't know how North Korea fairs against rice puddings, but it's evil towards North Koreans.

  7. A truly appalling example of communism in practice.

    But I expect it's all the fault of George W Bush and the USA. Everything else is, so we are told.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.
