Sunday, October 07, 2007

Ed Vaizey Promises a Blog a Day

Ed Vaizey has been a very bad boy. Until yesterday he hadn't blogged since 29 August. He's now blogged his take on yesterday's events and has now promised me a blog a day if I publicise the fact. So, let's see if a politician can keep a promise. Starting tomorrow! Click HERE.


  1. Well, I'll be reading Ed Vaizey's blog. I think he's great.
    (and dishy) LoL :)

    PS> Iain - where's the link?

  2. Canvas, the link is on Ed Vaizey's name, but I have now added a click HERE for those who can;t see it!

  3. Whoops, no click HERE. Presumably this means that Vaizey has hired someone that can blog for him?

  4. Rather bizarrely, except for the latest post, all the text on Ed's blog is crossed out.

  5. I'd like to take some credit for Ed starting up his blog again, as I asked him to do just that when I saw him on Friday, at a meeting in Grove about the recent floods. I also asked him to start blogging about local events as well as national, so that we, members of his constituency, have a place to comment......maybe you could remind him of this for me ;)

  6. You're right - everything is crossed out! How very strange...

    Vaizey is obviously getting rusty at blogging and clicked on the wrong button? :)

  7. Yes, he is quite handsome!Glad he's blogging again.
