Saturday, October 06, 2007

What Gordon Told Andrew Marr

Gordon Brown told Andrew Marr:
I will not be calling an election, and let me say why. Over the summer months we have had to deal with crises - we have had to deal with foot and mouth, terrorism, floods, financial crises. And yes we could have had an election based on competence, and I hope people would have understood that we acted competently. But what I want to do is show people the vision that we have for the future of this country in housing and health and education and I want the chance, in the next phase of my premiership, to develop and show people the policies that are going to make a huge difference and show the change in the country itself.
Wow, tough questioning there, Andy. Adam Boulton is scathing. Daisy Sampson has called Marr Brown's "pet reporter". It's turning ugly.


  1. I'm no expert, but if you're a political interviewer, and you're interviewing someone who says that they want to show the people "their vision", surely you press them on whether or not the public should have a chance to approve of said vision? And of course the only way to do that would be an election. In Brown's case this also has added weight, since the electors voted for Blair's 'vision' and not Brown's.

    What a softie interview from Marr. They should have lied about who Brown was getting, and let Paxman in at the last minute...

  2. The momentum has got to be used to get Brown to hold a referendum on the EU Constitution (it is one!)! His party promised one in it's last manifesto - is he going to bottle that too???

  3. The sad thing is that people will believe this drivel.

  4. Have just seen the BBC rerunning Marr outside No 10 in his new role as Gordon's pet poodle/parrot and was absolutely astonished. He just looked and sounded weak, ridiculous, contemptible. A Labour figurehead (or perhaps gargoyle), looking anxiously over his shoulder as his strings were being pulled from inside Brown Central. What a laughable performance from a major BBC figure, or should anyone be surprised?

  5. I'll scream if I have to hear about Brown coping with "crises".
    Re Flooding, foot and mouth, etc. Brown simply had to go on the tele and say: "We are a brave, resilient people and our emergency services have been wonderful".
    Er, that's it.
    And back to the basement to chew a few more nails.

  6. It must have been nice to hear a friendly Scottish voice in a time of crisis. When in doubt run to auntie.

  7. I just want to thank you very much for giving up Saturday time to conduct this running commentary. It's great!

  8. Iain, if the Marr programme is allowed to be transmitted it will be nothing less than a party political broadcast by Brown, with a tame poodle as the live audience. David Cameron should insist on parity of air time to refute Brown's specious meanderings.

  9. Marr should be sacked - what a disgrace.

    Mind you, if that interview finally ends the bizarre love-fest which Murdoch as had with NuLab then its worth it.

    Do we think Gordon will look good in a lightbulb on the front page of The Sun??

  10. Why anyone is surprised is beyond me - Andrew Marr has form with regard to Labour and let's face it if you were the Prime Minister who'd just cock'd up big time who would you rather face in the confessional "Soft Andy" or tough "Paxo". However Gordon's not getting such an easy ride from the rest of the media and press pack who if nothing else don't like being left out in the cold by Gordon. Could be a big mistake. If "The Sun" and "The Daily Mail"* return to the Tory fold he could be in even more trouble

    * Yes I know that nominally the Mail is supposed to be right wing but Paul Dacre, according to Michael White seems to think Gordon has the "mantle of greatness about him".

  11. After only a hundred days in the job, it's hard not to feel sorry for Gordon Brown .. but on balance, I think it's worth making the effort.

  12. This former Labour Part member hates to say it but Brown's reasons are a tissue of lies. On the basis of thos words he could have stopped the specualtion long ago. The truth is that polls have him rattled.

    Strange thing is he may well have run. But when it comes to courage in the face of battle, Brown makes the Italian armies of the 20th Century look positvely macho.

    The man lacks balls - and the NHS canot be blamed for that.

  13. Since Tuesday Brown has buggered EVERYTHING up. He now seems to have the perfect reverse-Midas touch. Is it really this easy?

    And has anyone asked themselves how one Anthony Charles Lynton Blair is feeling tonight? Pretty smug I'd imagine...

  14. In fairness a softball interview with Marr ensures that the Broon Bottler has more than enough rope to hang himself.


  16. mark heenan:

    " He now seems to have the perfect reverse-Midas touch."

    Everything he touches turns into the Brown stuff....

  17. When will the BBC stop getting utterly precious about the naming of a Blue Peter cat, and instead address why it has a Red Andrew pussy as its leading political figure. Marr is so clearly a Labour stooge. He looked quite idiotic, trying to spin the line that it was all a bit of a larf...

  18. I told you all you'd see the Great Clucking Fist in action. However I was misreported, as always.

    Have a nice day!

  19. For the first time in 5 years my SKY is fucked and i have no 24 hour news until Monday. No Bolton, no Nick Robinson, nothing. I'm dying.

  20. "Adam Boulton is scathing" is an understatement Iain:

  21. lord ashcroft and his team have been awesome in the marginals.

  22. Dear Mr Referdumdum,

    Perhaps you should learn how to post a link


    King Cnut

  23. Chuck

    BBC News 24 is available online here

  24. If Stalin McSporran's "vision for change" includes scrapping ID cards and all the repressive legislation introduced by Labour, then he might be worth listening to.

    Probably he is just as neo-liberal as Bliar on such matters.

    Is Dave any different?

    I suspect not. Let him prove otherwise.

  25. Andrew Marr should be ashamed of himself, but he probably would not understand what a good political interview is.

    Just because he is married to a nuLabour journalist does not excuse his behaviour. The BBC bosses who employ Marr should conclude that he is finished as a political employee of the BBC.

  26. Why is the man who was Chancellor for 10 years saying things must change? Could someone ask him what was wrong with what his Govt did, and which he financed (with our money)?

    But I'm really glad he is going to have to face the impending financial implosion - and he can't run away from the House now he's PM.

  27. The Big Feartie - Wee Sleekit, cow'rin, tim'rous beastie

    To a Mouse

    WEE, sleekit, cow’rin, tim’rous beastie,
    O, what a panic’s in thy breastie!
    Thou need na start awa sae hasty,
    Wi’ bickering brattle!
    I wad be laith to rin an’ chase thee,
    Wi’ murd’ring pattle!

  28. I'll scream if I have to hear about Brown coping with "crises".

    As I posted earlier today the only crisis Brown can validly claim to have helped resolve is a crisis of confidence in the Conservative party.

    The man is speaking gibberish and the absurdly soft 'interview' from Marr has exposed this - so maybe it has, like so many of Brown's plans, backfired. But the BBC do have a lot of questions to answer about their handling of this. Not only are they continuing to protect Brown they are continuing to malign Cameron and the Conservatives (Robinson going on about 'rushing out popular policies' in a disgraceful echo of Labour spin). And Marr's interview with Cameron last Sunday was anything but soft - it was actually downright contemptuous.

    As for what Blair might be thinking - what about Cherie? Bet she's got a big smile on her face.

  29. To be fair there is, apparently, a fuller interview from Brown's pet on his weekly Party Political Broadcast on behalf of the Frit Party tomorrow.

  30. David Cameron's also on the Marr show tomorrow

  31. The grear clucking fist pecks again!

  32. BJ 9:14

    "David Cameron's also on the Marr show tomorrow"

    It will be really interesting to see how Marr's approach to the two interviews compares.

    His credibility as a political commentator is already taking some stick in the blogs and media. If he fails to step up to the mark on this he deserves to be finished.

    When I saw that he was interviewing Brown for his show tomorrow, I posted elsewhere that I thought we'd see a return to the interviewing style that was usual at around the time of the Suez crisis:-

    "Excuse me, Prime Minister, do you have anything to tell us?"


    "Thank you, Prime Minister, thank you very much".

    If we're to see him interview Brown and DC back-to-back, maybe there's a chance that he might have asked Brown one or two penetrating questions and pushed him into a corner - but I very much doubt it.

  33. Anthony Howard is criticising Brown for his "infra dig." decision to choose a single "journalist" rather than addressing the nation as a whole. Can't say I disagree.

  34. Possibly some interesting pillow talk. Is not Andrew Marr married to Jackie Ashley - Browns Chaterati in Chief. Whilst Bolton is married to Anji Hunter - who is is not friend of Browns. Perhaps that expains who is in the gutter and who is inside interviewing Brown.

  35. Anonytwat at 7.04: Shut it you. It's no the Scots fault that Marr's a southern nonce - must be living near you that's tae blame. Nae mair o'your cheek - otherwise we'll just set aboot ye...

  36. The BBC has form. Even macho Paxo was soft and matey in his cosy chats with Tony the Charmer.

    When John Major lost to Blair, David Dimbleby was contemptuous to Major and oily to Blair.

    Why don't the Tories propose to abolish the licence fee? It would get as many votes as IHT and more.

  37. Surely the point of all this is that Gordon would not have said anything of use to Andrew Marr.

    The day this government says anything of use will be the day hell freezes over.

    In the meantime, lets wish good luck to the PM without a mandate.

  38. Anonymous (11.05pm) "Anthony Howard is criticising Brown for his "infra dig" decision to choose a single "journalist" rather than addressing the nation as a whole. Can't say I disagree."

    Anthony Howard - that old ex-public schoolboy cum old socialist journalist/author. Lovely man - bit past his sell by date - but always a strong fan of NuLab - has said something critical of Gordon Brown?

    Next thing you'll be telling me that Margaret Thatcher has decided to vote for UKIP.

    You are such a tease.

  39. Outbreak of bluetongue in Suffolk, outbreak ot browntongue at the B.B.C.
    (Andrew Marr to be culled?)

  40. flfsgpNo doubt there are some people who remember watching the news in 1978.."and the Prime Minister is expected to announce the date of the next general election which will probably be on ....
    There now follows a party political broadcast on behalf of the Labour Party.
    The Rt hon. James Callaghan

    ...there will be NO election...


    But all those in the media with egg on their faces did get the last laugh.
