Saturday, October 06, 2007

Adam Boulton Shows His Fangs

If you haven't been watching Sky News, click HERE to read a transcript which demonstrates just how angry Adam Boulton is. I particlarly enjoyed this comment...
[Question from the studio about whether there is a crisis in Team Brown,
given the advice he has received from his young advisers]
AB: "It's all very well calling them young advisors. Let's remember that
they are Cabinet Ministers - Ministers of the Crown - people like Ed Balls and
Ed Milliband and of course, Douglas Alexander. All of them occupy lofty offices
of state so their age doesn't really matter. They are very senior figures,

Cutting. I'll say it again. Brown will rue the day the treated the media like something he'd picked up on his shoe.


  1. I'm not surprised that Adam "Er" Boulton is showing his fangs.Marr must be feeling particularly brow-beaten and embarrassed that he has been so demonstrably used as a door mat by Brown. If one looks at the situation objectively, Brown has made himself look even weaker by not facing the general media wolves himself with this one. Hiding behind locked doors in Downing street, grinding his fingernails down and then starting on his nose for supper, isn't something I can even think of at this time of a Saturday evening!

  2. I think we all knew and even Brown suspected that to have to do this would provoke a bad press. This is looking like a catastrophe, Gordon's definately in the Brown stuff on this. I can not remember seeing the media turn so quickly in my life. It is frightening to behold.

  3. That's the sort of brutal honesty that people deserve having been toyed with for weeks. If one thing is clear from this debacle it is that Brown cannot handle the media, which is compounded by his sheer arrogance as was shown by his closed to interview with the obliging Marr. Indeed, Marr didn't look too happy when speaking to BBC News 24 straight after - he knew he was being used as a tool, probably having been presented with a fait accompli by the BBC elders. Brown has lost key parts of the media - I wouldn't be surprised if Murdoch releases the hounds soon (even though Boulton, quite rightly, couldn't contain himself).

  4. This, from Adam Boulton's blog, is even more telling:

  5. " It is frightening to behold."

    Frightening? Surely you mean glorious :-)

  6. get it into perspective. It happens all the time. Adam Boulton is just pissed-off - and it ain't that unreasonable to suggest the reason why he didn't get the drop was because of his choise of partner.
    Pool facilities, my arse. He's whingeing because they didn't think he was important enough which is what he was whingeing about.
    The super-duper sleuth, as you rightly point, was Danny. All hail Danny Finklestein. The boy come good.

  7. "Brown will rue the day the treated the media like something he'd picked up on his shoe."

    Or something he picked out of his nose?

    (I must stop making all these telling political points or you'll start taking me seriously - like Chris Paul - NOT!)

  8. Douglas Alexander helped labour to lose to the SNP in May's Scottish Election. Now he's cocked up the non-election.
    Broon should surely be asking questions about the advice he is getting from these smart-arses, who are not that smart when it comes to the crunch.

    But why should I bother? I'm loving it!!

  9. I think your analysis today has been pretty accurate, Iain. It is going to be very interesting to see where Labour is in about two months' time. I seriously suspect there will be lasting damage from this... and I'm not a Tory so please no-one accuse me of just toeing the party line.

  10. Nice to be free of Labour trolls, outside of office hours.

  11. I thought it was funny, and also somewhat telling, that the BBC on their regular TV news bulletins this (last) evening kept headlining it as "The Prime Minister has told the BBC that there will not be an election this year" - yes that's right, not the nation, not Her Majesty, just the BBC. And indeed no official announcement it seems, even of the bare bones of it, just whatever extracts the BBC chooses to show us until the full interview is shown in the morning.

    The Beeb might be delighted with their "scoop" today, rubbing the noses of Sky etc in it, but they are very stupid to gloat like that as it merely says to everyone that is not New Labour: "We the BBC, who are the tremendously favoured media outlet of the Brown Labour Party". It could actually be a very important milestone in the final demise of bipartisan support for the BBC. I was interested to hear a well known senior BBC journalist say at a well-attended meeting earlier this week (it was a semi-private gathering so I will not name him, but he said it more than once) "Brown is being terribly nice to the BBC at the moment". It is very fair to speculate what is Brown's, and the BBC's, game on this. The BBC is now just going to have to oh so careful not to be biased in Brown's favour over the next few months or it'll be in REAL trouble.

  12. "In contrast David Cameron spoke live to Sky News"

    Lovin' it.

    Seems I underestimated Brown. I never thought he'd be so arrogant and naive as to lose the support of the media.

  13. "As I write in the gutter opposite Number 10, the BBC's Andrew Marr is inside interviewing the Prime Minister."

    Really, really pissed off! Excellent, Blair must be pissing himself laughing!
