Wednesday, October 03, 2007

What the Armed Services Think of Gordon's Away Day to Basra

In case anyone is under any illusion about how our servicemen and women view Gordon Brown's trip to Basra, a quick visit to the ARRSE blog forum will tell you. HERE, HERE and HERE. There's a major opportunity for the Conservatives now to demonstrate to the armed services that we're different. Let's hope Liam Fox grabs it.


  1. Let's hope Liam Fox gets better than he was on the Today programme this morning. Bob Ainsworth was woeful and Fox blew it big time.

    Can't afford to miss too many more open goals like that. When is this opposition going to learn to oppose properly?

  2. Did you notice the tv sequence when Brown was invited to sign Cyclops the tank?

    He fell for it hook, line and sinker.

  3. Brown's disgusting political stunt over troop withdrawals has been widely exposed and is going to drag him down.

    If there's one thing the British public depise it's scumbag politicians playing politics with British soldier's lives.

  4. fmr squaddie

    agree completely. he is a national disgrace

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  6. Perhaps Brown sneaked off to Basra for the same reason as de Gaulle fled to Germany in '68 - to rally the troops; he wants to put down the (Conservative ) revolution.

    À bas la charogne stalinienne!

    Soyez réalistes, demandez l'impossible!

    La révolution est incroyable parce que vraie!

  7. I think Cameron is going to kick Brown's fat, spotty arse into touch this afternoon and do us all a big favour

  8. The troops look pleased to see him.

    Search Brown and Basra.

  9. Who put them up to that, then?

  10. Justin, I agree Fox missed an own goal against the awful Ainsworth.

  11. I'm not so sure Liam Fox should not grab this opportunity - spend plenty of time deriding Brown for a ploy that even the media have seen through yes. Pillory Bob Ainsworth as to why wasn't it he making the announcement, and why wasn't it next week, to Parliament certainly. But let's not have Fox making favourable noises to the military that have no substance behind them.

    Though comforted I am by his words yesterday - that the MOD needs to be bigger and better funded. That threats have emerged that require such action.

    I hope though more sensible heads might prevail at the MOD should Conservatives get in - the EU Referendum blog has done superb work at flagging up some potty choices when it comes to equipment purchasing, the shameful squandering of lives in Iraq and Afghanistan due to outdated equipment and flogging dead horses when it comes to integrating our armies with the rest of Europe.

  12. Most of them already vote Tory (if they'll vote at all following Cameron's treatment of Patrick Mercer), and there are not very many of them anyway, so what's for Fox to grab?

    This Election is psephologically unwinnable by the Tories, whether it is held this November, next spring, the spring after that, or whenever.

  13. Ainsworth was indeed pathetic, and truly rattled by one Humphreys question, resulting in about 3 "you knows". Unfortunately Fox decided to trade insults rather than swat Ainsworth away as he deserved.

  14. "Did you notice the tv sequence when Brown was invited to sign Cyclops the tank?

    He fell for it hook, line and sinker."

    Dr Spyn said...

    Yes I did.

    How I laughed. Never under estimate the British squaddie, they can be as sharp as their bayonets.

    Deliberate. Absolutely.

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