Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The Daily Politics with Hunky Dunky & Mr D


  1. What happened to David Davis on the Daily Politics today. Andrew Neil was not a happy bunny, and you know he is not one to keep his opinions to himself!

  2. Are you tall, or is Dunky short?

  3. Chatterbox, DD knew nothing about it.

    Jackart, both.

  4. Guido says you are incarcerated in a "blogging bunker", with wall-to-wall internet and hostess service.

    I am sure Dave will not regret providing you with this preferential treatment.

  5. jackart, [1.54 PM] Dunky is tichy. Nothing wrong with that. We need a few more dwarfs in Government.

  6. Impressive stuff Iain . You say what I think but better. It would be great to see you on proper Telly more often

  7. ...hey what is all this...
    apart-height prejudice . I met Ian and he is actually a gigantic Gulliver who appears to have been cut and pasted into reality somewhat clumsily.

    A gay man built like a second row..there nust be a specialist market for that

  8. Iain, you've gone grey! A touch of "Just For Men" in some of your pictures on this blog, methinks!

  9. There's a picture of you and a picture of the "fart button" advert - I don't know which to press first, but I guess they'll sound the same...

  10. The difference in size between Iain and Alan Duncan was bizarre. I was quite prepared to believe that Duncan was on Dale's knee, with a hand up his back...gottle a geer..

  11. Ian, isn't an untruth a lie?

  12. It reminds me of a certain Alliance in about 1983.

    Bruce Forsyth used to stand on a beer crate.
