Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Tory Totty Night Out

A parliamentary mole has told me of a momentous event. Last night Tory women MPs enjoyed a night out on the tiles. This begs a number of questions...

* Did at any stage Theresa May take off her boots? If not, why not?
* What was Ann Widdecombe's reaction to Nicholas Soames being booked as the stripper?
* What would be the reaction if male MPs held a Men Only night out?!

But more importantly...

* When will we be told the details on Nadine's blog?


  1. I love Miss Mays FMBs, they are FAB!

  2. Just the thought of Soames the stripper makes feel ill. What kind of a sick joke is that?

  3. I'm Disappointed Iain. You should have told us this yesterday, then I could have just happened to be there. Always fancied meeting Theresa Villiers to be honest. Any chance of an intro....

  4. I hope you are fully in the loop on this one. A bit of scandal and scurrilous tittle tattle has been missing from this blog for some time.

    If Soames was indeed the stripper, did he do his wardrobe-with-the-key-in-the-door routine?

  5. Nadine was probably too busy with her meeting at the BPAS to agree a bit of a compromise deal over the opposition to a reduction in the 24 week limit.

    I hear that a deal to cop a plea for 22 weeks is on the cards, as long as this is not reduced for the lifetime of the next Parliament.

  6. Photos please....

  7. When her hangover has cleared sufficiently, I suspect...

  8. Unfortunately Nadine won't be playing ball according to her blog, Iain. Although judging by her recent blog, she was having far too much fun with 15 Spanish Judges!!!

  9. Iain,
    Not that it would interest you but I wonder if she had that red dress on again??

  10. MMmmm Nadine 'Bonking' Dorries and 15 Spanish Judges.. that would be some film, but can we think of a decent title for it ?

  11. I see in the Express today that Widdecombe is supporting MPs' priority access to services in the Commons.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. "What would be the reaction if male MPs held a Men Only night out?!"

    ....And what sort of "Tory.....night out" would you call it?
